Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Yes indeedy! Cabinets were installed in the kitchen and upstairs bathrooms. The kitchen looks ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. I am so excited with how great the colors all look together!! Yay! Tomorrow they should put in the laminate floors in the dining room and front foyer.


Guest Bath

Master Bath

Master Bath 2

Cabinets by the "fridge"

View from the den

View from the garage

View from the garage 2

Vinyl floor


Cabinets over the stove

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Much ado about [probably] nothing...

On Friday we received our appraisal and the house appraised above our purchase price, which is a very good thing. I wasn't losing sleep thinking that it was going to appraise below the purchase price, but with all the crazyness going on in the housing sector nothing seems safe anymore! Our loan processor e-mailed us a copy of the appraisal and it was 18 pages long!! It was really, really interesting to read. The appraiser was extremely detailed and even took pictures of the inside of the house. Because the house is still under construction, the appraiser will have to go back out there right before we close to confirm that the house was actually finished...

When we stopped by the house today, they had delivered all our cabinets. They're all in their boxes still and should be installed tomorrow. They've also done a lot of the painting, but they still have a lot of touchups to do. When Brian spoke to Chris yesterday, he said that they will be installing our laminate floors later this week and then next week they will begin installing fixtures and all that stuff. The carpet will then be installed in two weeks.

We're starting to get the point where stuff is beginning to get close to complete, which is very cool. Brian also reminded me tonight that we close in exactly one month from today!!!!!

Thank goodness!

This buying a house business is ridiculous. (Honestly, I'm about over it.) I feel like my head has been totally spinning for the past month. I am really good at organizing stuff and making plans, which is a good thing because if I wasn't it would be absolute chaos. I have a very lovely Levenger notepad that is filled with a million notes of appointments and things to buy!! But, still, I have a major obsessive worrying compulsion issue (I'm driving Brian absolutely mad!). This is nothing new though--I have a very strong history of worrying issues:

Example 1: In 6th grade when our class had a lesson on HIV and AIDS, Wes and I became convinced that we had HIV because we bit our fingernails and we knew that "open sores" could spread the disease. We called the CDC AIDS hotline with questions everyday after school for two weeks straight until the people there got pissed and told us to stop calling! :-)

Example 2: My first chorus concert in 7th grade, our teacher scared us all to death about what would happen if we showed up late that I was so freaked out that I thought I was going to throw up on the way to the Science Center (about an hour early) and I drove my mom insane as she drove me there! I can still remember that entire drive moment-by-moment and how I felt the whole way there!

Example 3: A similar phenomenon occured on the way to the airport for my first Europe trip. We left Hickory to get to Charlotte in PLENTY of time (I'm talking like probably 5 hours early...), but as soon as we hit I-85 in Gastonia and I saw brake lights (that lasted about 10 seconds), I had a major freakout. It's really amazing that my mother hasn't thrown me out of the car!

In retrospect, it's pretty amazing that my mom is as sane as she is...

There are a bajillion more examples from my short life, but the bottom line is that I'm a compulsive worrier that something is going to go wrong. I'm not nervous about buying the house, because I know that we made the right decision, but I'm worried that something is going to happen where we can't buy the house for some reason or another. [A lot of this started with the confusion at CTX because it was the first time with the mortgage process that a mess up was really tangible in my mind.] I have no idea why I'm like this, but I am definitely looking forward to having the closing over and done!! (Unless Brian kills me first!) I know that there will be plenty of things to worry about once we actually own the place, but I also know that I'll feel a bit more in control of the process and not be so freakish.

A few of the pictures that I took today--

First coat of paint on front door:

Kitchen counter:

Cabinets by the box:

Beaucoup de boxes:

One of the bathroom counters and boxes:

Thursday, April 24, 2008

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113

Today, chez LeBlanc nouveau, the ceilings were painted, the walls received a coat of primer, and all the molding received its first coat of white paint. It's so silly! They actually deliver the doors hinged to their frames with molding around the outside and they install them all in one piece. However, as soon as it's time to paint they take them off the hinges and spray them separately! The walls are going to end up with a nice beige color and all the trim will be white (which will look awesome with my white faux wood blinds!)

Brian and I also decided two things at dinner:

(1) Amedeo's North is good, but way too overpriced. Brian's lasagna was $10+!

(2) We're done with this construction thing. We are SO READY to move in! It's a ton of fun watching everything get done, but, at this point, we're just ready to live there! Brian equated it to playing baseball in July (the newness of the season has worn off, it's too far away until October, and it's hotter than hell).

Some pictures:

Look at all our outside wires! (Yes, that's 7 cables!)

Office arch:

Our new landscaping:

Living room:


Dining room arch:

Mantle and fireplace:


BTW, if you haven't figured it out yet, the subject line only consists of PRIME numbers because they PRIMEd our walls today!

Los emalos lamos seis*

Not only am I tutoring my Literacy Council student in English, she's also helping me with my Spanish. The results are outstanding--don't ya think?

* Imaginary.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Refreshed electronic hypertextual viewing experience

Drywall officially complete.

Why do you park on a driveway...

...and drive on a parkway?! Haha...I bet you've never heard that one before!!

It's been a whirlwind of crazyness this week!! And when I say whirlwind, I mean hurricane.

We met with the CTX Mortgage guy on Monday (remember, the one with the awesome deal to put 7% down?)


We get there and go through all the motions and get to the point where we're signing paperwork and we get to the part about "Cash to bring to closing." And the amount is $2,000 above what we budgeted and what he quoted us. So, he starts reviewing his numbers and we're looking over the numbers and then the mortgage guy is like, "Oh, I know what it is..." So Brian and I are like, "what?" So, basically, here's the deal: with Centex, you have to put money in escrow when you sign the contract. You have to put $2000 down and then an amount equal to half the price of your total upgrades. So for us, that was a total of $6000. So the mortgage guy is like, it looks like I credited you for your $6000 and then an additional $2000 by accident. And then he says, "could you just bring an extra $2000?"



So Brian and I are like, "we need to conference outside, we'll be back." And when we get outside we're both pretty livid. Before we stepped out, the mortgage guy is running mad calculations and is telling us that we could put like 5.5% down and then make a little larger monthly payment because, evidently, the fact that we have a budget is of no consequence.

We talked it over for about 3 minutes and decided that we were out (we really didn't even need to talk it out). Neither of us wanted to make the committment and the monthly payments were going to be like $50 more than he originally quoted. We also felt like if he made a mistake with that, there's no telling what other things were screwed up and we didn't want to take the chance.

So, we walked.

Fortunately, we never cancelled anything with USAA, so we were in good shape there. On Tuesday, the mortgage rates dipped a bit and Brian and I took it as our sign and we locked in. So we're set at 5.75% and we paid 0.75% in points. We were pretty happy with that and much happer when they jumped back up today (5.75% became 1.125% in points). We also spent a lot of time on Tuesday making sure that USAA had everything they needed. We had to do some searching for paperwork, but we got that all squared away and submitted.

We are so relieved. The whole "lock" process has stressed us the hell out and we are happy to be done!!!

Now for the happy stuff...

We have inside doors, a poured driveway, vinyl floors (in the correct rooms), and inside molding. It all looks so awesome (and we're much more excited about it now that the mortgage is squared away)!

Brian also spoke to Chris today and we confirmed our walkthrough with him for May 22 (this is the one where we get to go nitpick the whole house and make them fix anything we don't like--we've both taken the day off from work!!)

He also said that painting and cabinets are forthcoming pretty soon (either the end of this week or the beginning of next).

A few pictures of the progress (more on Facebook Album 4):

Newly poured driveway:

Vinyl floor in kitchen:

Kitchen with pantry door:

Chair molding in office:

Stair rail:

I'm also really excited because all my days off from work have been confirmed! I'm off May 26 for Memorial Day, I'm going into the office May 27, and then I'm off May 28-30 and June 2!! I would have loved to take May 27 off too for the whole week, but I decided that I should probably go in because we have a bajillion publications to edit that week... Regardless, I'm still pumped for the extra time off--I know I'll need it! Brian is also taking May 29-30.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A mélange!

Other than drywall touchups, there hasn't been a ton of in-house work this week, but Brian and I have been super busy setting up move-in appointments and transferring services. Next week, they will begin all the interior woodwork (molding, etc.) and they will start painting.

However, they did come and put up the pillar/column-y things on the front porch and they look really cute!! It's amazing how something so minor can completely change the façade!

On Saturday afternoon, we stopped by the model house to talk to the ladies who work in there. Our sales rep, Stephanie, is pregnant and is due on Friday, so we wanted to stop in and say hello to her before she goes out on maternity leave. It was a productive pop-in because we found out that they're building a spec. house at the end of our cul-de-sac for the 2008 Parade of Homes!! Everyone will have to come by and see it and then stop by our house! Brian and I are really excited about this new development because that should bring some good attention to the neighborhood and should increase our property value--the house is a brand new floor plan and is 3,000 square feet!!! Very exciting. It's also good to know that Centex is still putting money into the neighborhood, even with the crappy economy of death.

As I mentioned, we've also been super busy with setting up appointments and such. [It would be impossible to do all this stuff without being super organized!!] I think I have a ma-ja-billion lists!! Saturday morning, I met with the rep from Budget Blinds who is going to install blinds throughout the house. I've also been torn trying to figure out how to cover up the sliding glass door. I'm not a big fan of vertical blinds, so I really wanted to avoid those if possible. The blinds guy suggested panel track shades, which are pretty cool looking! They are five panels (about a foot wide) that slide on their own track, so you can have them cover the entire door or various sections, based on how you arrange the panels. This isn't the brand that we're getting, nor the color, but it is a good picture of the form: I think they'll look pretty good. We're also looking at furniture because we need a new couch and some tables and lots of other furniture items. We've picked out some things and I think we're going to be making purchases next weekend!

Here's the line-up for our two moving days:

May 29
8:30 a.m. - Closing
Afternoon - TWC (for RoadRunner), DirectTV, Budget Blinds, and Bell South [Yes, we're actually going to have a real house phone number!!!!! We were able to pick it out when we signed up online!!]

May 30
8:30-9:30 a.m. - Movers arrive at apartment
12-2 p.m. - CPI Security and Pest Control People
Sometime - return TWC equipment from apartment

It will be a busy couple of days, but I'm really looking forward to it!

We also spent the afternoon packing up stuff in our guest bedroom. We made some great progress, but that room looks so sad now.

And, finally, on the way to dinner we saw the most awesome rainbow!!! We could actually see the entire arc, but I wasn't able to capture it all in the same picture--it was awesome! No matter how busy things get, you have to stop and be grateful for all the wonderful things that God gives us!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

There is just no good way to have a good subject involving drywall!

Oh happy day! The house is completely drywalled! They rolled through the whole thing in a DAY and it looks sooooo good!!!!!!! We were kinda worried that the house might seem closed off after they finished the drywall, but it's really just like we pictured.

We may also be changing mortgage companies (not for a bad reason or anything--we didn't get de-approved [I love inventing words!]), but the guy from CTX Mortgage spoke with Brian today and sent over a Good Faith Estimate that puts USAA's to shame, which is pretty surprising. With the money we'll be saving with closing costs, we'll actually get to put 7% down, but don't worry, I'm not changing the name of the blog :-) All-things-housing must be having major issues in this economy since this GFE from CTX was WAY lower than the one we were originally quoted.

A few pictures of the drywall (more are up on Album #3)...


Great room (with remnants of uninstalled drywall):

Master shower and bath:

Master bedroom:

Monday, April 14, 2008

Drywall is not nearly as messy as wetwall...

As a quick update, Brian and I swung by the house and we were happy to see that all our drywall (and dry ceiling) has been delivered and is separated into each room. I'm hopeful that it will be installed tomorrow :-)

A picture or two or five:

They've also started framing the house at the end of our cul-de-sac and they poured the slab for the house across the road from us. At least we won't be {cue the music} ALL BY [OUR]SEL[VES] ANYMOOOOOREEE!!!

Here's my token contribution to the blog

I had a revelation today: the outlets marked on the 2x4s as "S/R" (switch receptacle) are the ones that are controlled by the switch near the door. So, in the interest of cheesy Photoshop art, I present the Chez LeBlanc Conveniently Color-Coded Switch Layout. (I probably shouldn't quit my day job and start drawing blueprints if this is what I have to offer.)

The color code is quite easy:
Blue is a fan. (Get make you cool...well, I thought it was creative anyway.)
Orange is a light fixture.
Yellow is an outlet.
Red is a switch box.
The black lines show what's controlled by each switch box.

Here's the upstairs:

And the downstairs:

I now turn the blog back over to Laura. Thank you for your time.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Courriel et Site Web

Ha! I go a week without updating the blog and then y'all get three posts in one night. Are y'all lucky or what?!

Centex Web site Updated:

Lame-o E-mail 5:

Brian: "That's up there on the cheesy scale."

BTW, if you don't get the subject, then you need to brush up on your French (Hey! I have to put my minor and last name to use somehow! [Salut! J'ai besoin d'utiliser mon éducation français et mon nom de famille!])

But, FYI (from:

"The Académie française, aka the French language police, recently surprised the francophone world with its choice for the official French translation of email. Deciding that the terms commonly used in France (e-mail, mail, and mèl) were too close to English, the Académie chose the Québécois word courriel. It surprises some and pleases others that Québécois French, which is sometimes belittled as not being "real" French, had the Frenchest word after all. By the way, in case you were wondering, the format of this page, called a blog in English, is known as un blogue in French, at least for now.

Part II - As I announced on 12 July, the Académie française chose courriel as the official French translation of e-mail. Based on that decision, the French Culture Ministry has now formally banned the word e-mail in any government-related documents, despite the objections of some internet experts."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pretty Pictures!

Here are a few pictures of the outside of the house with all the siding and shutters:

Great Room:


Kitchen with pantry:

More pictures and captions are uploaded on Facebook (Picture Album #3 that's linked on the top, left page of the blog)!