Tuesday, April 15, 2008

There is just no good way to have a good subject involving drywall!

Oh happy day! The house is completely drywalled! They rolled through the whole thing in a DAY and it looks sooooo good!!!!!!! We were kinda worried that the house might seem closed off after they finished the drywall, but it's really just like we pictured.

We may also be changing mortgage companies (not for a bad reason or anything--we didn't get de-approved [I love inventing words!]), but the guy from CTX Mortgage spoke with Brian today and sent over a Good Faith Estimate that puts USAA's to shame, which is pretty surprising. With the money we'll be saving with closing costs, we'll actually get to put 7% down, but don't worry, I'm not changing the name of the blog :-) All-things-housing must be having major issues in this economy since this GFE from CTX was WAY lower than the one we were originally quoted.

A few pictures of the drywall (more are up on Album #3)...


Great room (with remnants of uninstalled drywall):

Master shower and bath:

Master bedroom:


Anonymous said...

You could have said "Sheet Rocks!" BL

Laura said...

That would have been phenomenal. I can't believe I didn't think of it.