Tuesday, May 13, 2008

16 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was a busy, house-free weekend. Brian's brother Kevin graduated from N.C. State on Saturday and we spent Sunday with Brian's family for Mother's Day. (Brian cooked baked spaghetti for everyone and we watched the Bee Movie on DVD, which looks HOT in Hi-Def.) It was really nice to take a break from thinking about the house and worrying about packing!

We really don't have a ton of stuff left to pack, but it's just a pain! We're planning to go through out closet one night this week and get rid of all the superfluous crap that we never wear! I also have no fewer than 95,678, 478,547,123,669,632 sheets of paper to file away (bills and other important paperwork) that I have been putting off for six months. One day I'll actually get it done.


Since my last post we've had some good action on the house. All the electrical is done and actually works! We rang our doorbell for the first time last night and watched the garage door go up and down. It was all very exciting! :-) Today they put in all the carpet, but they still have some touchups to finish. Other than the arrival of the appliances next week, all of the major stuff is done!! Everything else is just finishing touches.

I cannot believe that we'll be homeowners in 16 days!!!!!


Front door light

Breakfast nook light

Living room carpet

Stairs carpet

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