Thursday, May 29, 2008

Checkin' in from the homestead!!!!

WE ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!


Today has been a great day! :-) Closing went fantastic this morning; only took about 45 minutes and all the paperwork was correct. If anyone needs a recommendation for a good closing attorney, let us know and we'll hook you up with our lady's name.

We had a nutritious breakfast at IHOP :-) and then laid down some cash-money at the K-town Wal-Mart. We are now the proud new owners of a 75' hose; hose holder; hose sprayer; and various bathroom hardware items (towel racks, etc.).

Since our foray at the Wal-Mart, we've been hanging here with the various services that we ordered. Bell South was here when we got back from closing and our phone works (Drop me an e-mail at lsleblanc82 [AT SIGN] gmail [dot com] to get the phone number.) [Presented in lame format so that I don't get spammed...]

Budget Blinds was also here and all our blinds look FANTASTIC (I am so excited about them!). The only bummer is that the panel-track shade that we bought for the sliding glass door didn't get delivered to Budget Blinds like it was supposed to be, so they will have to come back to install that. Oh well. It should be delivered soon!

I should have pictures sometime this weekend of the blinds!

Time Warner Cable was also here and our Internet is up and running (as evidenced by this post!) and DirectTV should be in the next 5-10 minutes to hook us up WITH THE MOST HD CHANNELS EVER! YAY!

Also, our trash can and recycling bin were delivered this morning and Brian has spent the past 30 minutes or so registering all our appliances and everything for our warranties. We are so on top of things :-)

Our newspaper was supposed to start today, but the N&O couldn't find out street (it isn't on any maps yet), so we're hopeful that it will start tomorrow or some time this weekend. Traffic Man Brian gave them all the info that they needed.

Oh yeah, and I don't think I ever posted this before, but Centex did lay our grass seed in the back and side yards, but not the sod (which will come in the fall). So, this afternoon we're going to water our trees and tomorrow we'll water the backyard (we actually have a few cute pieces of grass!!)

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