Friday, May 2, 2008

Shotglasses and an ENGAGEMENT!!

I am fairly certain that I own every shotglass ever made...

Why, you ask? Because it just took me for-FREAKING-ever to wrap each one in newspaper and pack them up in a lovely little box...

On a positive note, however, through FreeCycle [](an e-mail listserv where people offer and ask for free things), I got a TON of boxes for packing today! This is a good thing because Brian and I are going to be super packers this weekend!

We also went by the house and our dishwasher and garbage disposal were delivered today. They weren't installed yet, but they are in the house. The microwave-hood was also delivered today and was installed and the garage door is hooked up! I forgot my camera this afternoon, so I'll have to take some pictures tomorrow when we go by the house.

And now for the MOST exciting news of the day--my baby sister Callison is now engaged to Clayton!! I am SO excited for the two of them. To make the day even better, Clay was offered a social studies teaching job (in Morehead City) this afternoon! YAY!!

Are they the cutest couple ever or what??

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