Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I really haven't forgotten about y'all

I swear!

We've been so insanely busy with house stuff, weekend trips, work, and everything under the sun! Tonight we put up a ceiling fan in our living room. It looks good...


After three trips to Lowe's.

God bless us--we really should have a reality TV show. It's pretty funny.

First, Brian went to pick up the fan and a light for our guest bathroom. After he got it home, he commenced MISSION FAN INSTALL!

First it was the mounting bracket...(as Brian would say) THIS <> SCREW WON'T GO IN! So after stripping the first screw, he took off to Lowe's (again) to buy some more screws.

Came home and then immediately preceded to strip 2 more. It was a major bitch to get the stripped screws out of the bracket. At that point, the screws were winning. We were down to our last one.

So, Brian went back to Lowe's (again, again) and got a friendly employee to help him out. This guy showed him this tool-thingy to help relax the threads on the screw. It worked like a charm!

Mounting bracket conquered.

So we ate dinner...at 9:15 p.m.

After "it's not delivery, it's Digiorno" we went back to fan work. It took a lot of trial and error (the directions seriously sucked!!), but we got it done...

...at 11:15 p.m.

Hit the switches and everything looked good.


we put the fan on high and something starts making a horrible noise. After investigating, we discovered that one of the blades was missing a screw.


After averting that crisis (which involved taking down the light kit...and then putting it back up...), we tried again and VOILA, we have five fantastic rotating blades and two compact fluorescent lights.

All is well.

Last weekend (6/6) we got all our furniture. However, our headboard, dining room table, and one of the cushions on the couch were messed up. Oh, and they didn't give us support rails for the bed. So Brian took a field trip to pick some rails up--fortunately, they had some and we were able to get our bed set up.

Because of the damaged pieces, I worked from home last Thursday and we got our replacements, which look awesome. I'll take some pictures soon and get them posted. (I also need to post pics of our blinds!)

We also have grass growing in our back and side yards and the house next door to ours is framed (I was kinda digging the empty lot, but I guess there's nothing we can do about that!).

The weekend of 6/6-6/7 was the Jimmy Buffett concert, which freaking rocked.

Last weekend we went to Morehead City to visit my parents.

This weekend I'm going (and when I say going, I mean driving) to Nashville with Shannon and Wesley for Deanna's wedding.

It's unreal how much we've had going on! More updates are forthcoming...I promise!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow that fan story sounds familiar!

After you take down / put up about 5-10 more of them, you'll be a pro!