Wednesday, July 2, 2008


OK, so today I went to visit my absolute favorite people on the planet--my dear, dear friends (who I miss very dearly) at former-employer-to-not-be-named-in-Cary.

Oh sure, they were delighted to see me...but within like 15 seconds of talking everyone, I started catching hell about my sucktitude at blog updating. Yes, I'm referring to you:






Hell, I'm pretty sure I even heard Libby complaining and she hasn't worked there for more than a year and a half...


So...I've succumbed and here y'all go:

We've also just recently learned that not only was Bri interviewed for the TBJ article, but, also, some photographer is coming out to the house Tuesday night to take our picture. I'm quite certain that we'll look extremely loserly standing in front of our house in some pseudo-American Dream styled photo. Feel free to laugh at us....

We've also had an epic MAN VS. BEAST battle brewing here. Last weekend we baked cookies and gave some to the neighbors who recently moved in down the street. Evidently, in the process, we must have dropped a bit of sugar because the next morning we were under attack by evil-satan-beasts, occasionally referred to as ANTS.

I'm positive that there were 600,000 of them...

Brian thinks it's more like 20.

Whatever--the number is of no consequence--we were under attack! After eliminating the sugar source, we were feeling all green (aka cheap) and tried some home remedies to cut the little bastards off (vinegar, black pepper, etc.).

Which don't work....

We then decided it was better to go full force and murder them all with Raid.

Which definitely works--on contact (I think I can still hear the distant sounds of screaming, dying ants)

So, we appear to be ant-free now, although we've probably put poisonous evil bug stuff in the air in the house and we'll likely develop weird deformities...but at least there won't be any ants!

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!! We're going to Oak Island!


Anonymous said...

OK - so I was wondering where the updates were as well and tonight it showed up with 10 new posts (but I'd already read 9). So... why is big chair back in family room? Baking soda works well to block ants. Ken G. did not inform us of the upcoming photo shoot. And, yes you do have a lot of shoes!!

Laura said...

That's weird about the 10 posts...maybe there was some weird cache error or something.

The big chair is back because it was too big for the doesn't match the couches perfectly, but it does have the same colors as the it's also nice to have an extra seat--Mike won't have to sit on the floor!