Sunday, July 6, 2008

R.E.A.D.: Read Everything And Discover!

Whenever I am at Oak Island, it always brings back a flood of memories about things that I've done down here throughout the years. Today as I was reading on the beach, I started thinking about how many summer days I spent reading on the beach and the front porch, which reminded me to pull up two lists that I made a long time ago of books that I had read. One of the lists was in a spreadsheet and the other was a Web page that I had created on my personal Web space at NCSU, back in 2001.

I combined the two lists and added some other books that I could remember from my undergrad and graduate days and updated everything in a Google doc:

I'm going to try to keep this up to date because it's really pretty funny to go back and see what stuff I've read. I'm actually pretty impressed with myself because I can remember the years for the majority of the books that I've read...the furthest back I can remember is 1989, which is when I read The Castle in the Attic. The only reason I can remember that far back is because that was the first CHAPTER BOOK that I ever read, and, better yet, I actually read it outside of school. Even more memorable--I was in second grade and it was the middle of the coldest winter ever because we were living in Gettysburg, PA for 8 months.

I'm also keeping a list at the bottom of the blog of books that I want to read, because I always forget book names when I am actually at the library! If you know of others that are really good, please let me know. I'm open to about anything and everything.

It's really, really kinda nice to have other things to think about other than what's going on with the house! I apologize to all y'all if my posts aren't nearly as exciting or interesting as they were back in the day. Truth-be-told, we're pretty boring people, but you probably already figured that out! :-)

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