Saturday, February 28, 2009

A day in the life of Laura and Gatsby...

OK, I'm not going to lie...the weather today sucked and tomorrow isn't going to be much better--even calling for an icy mix and snow!

As you can probably guess, Gatsby and I worked really hard today. We woke up about 7 a.m. so that he could have his breakfast and go outside and then we went back to sleep until 9 a.m. After breakfast, I settled in on the couch to pay some bills and make sure every thing was in order and then played around on the computer and watched silly, trifling girl shows until lunch. My lunch was really good: NS Black Bean and Tortilla Soup and a lettuce/tomato salad with some canned albacore tuna and fat free ranch.

After lunch, Gatsby warmed up on his blanket in front of the fireplace and took a nap while I read The Great Gatsby (and, yes, we also had some classical music playing in the background). :-) It was delightful. To no one's surprise, I fell asleep for an hour and a half until Lil G jumped up on top of me to insist that I wake up and play with him. So I did. :-)

After playing and our afternoon snack, the little doggie decided that he was tired again and went back to sleep, so I went back to reading. At one point, I snuck off to the bathroom and I came back to this:

As you can see, he's pretty pleased with his seat-stealing self. (This really shouldn't surprise me because he does the same thing to me and Brian pretty much every night, but it's still funny.)

Overall, it was a glorious, rainy day.

I also had two funny dreams last night. In the first, I was at train station counter in France and I was trying to find the right train to get somewhere. I was having major issues figuring it out and the guy at the station told me that I had rush to catch the next train and then make a transfer at some stop that I couldn't pronounce (Chamonelleix, or something else...). Well, I made it onto the train, but I couldn't remember the transfer station and I couldn't find my map to figure it out. So I was just riding around trying to find where I needed to go. It was very stressful.

In the second dream, I got transferred to my company's office in New York City and Brian and I decided to move. Well, evidently, we just made the move without finding a place to live first, so we got up there and we were stuck on the Cross-Bronx and in all these different hotels trying to decide if we should live in Manhattan or New Jersey. It was also very stressful.

I know why all the components appeared in my dream, but it's always so funny to see how your brain makes connections! According to a dream analysis Web site, which is probably not really legit, I am dealing with the following:

Lost: If you dream that you are lost, you may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. Or, you may be trying to get accustomed to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing.

Traffic: Watching traffic in a dream suggests that you are trying to solve a problem alone when you should be requesting help or cooperation from others.

Train: To see a moving train in your dreams means you will soon have reason to make a journey. Dreams of riding a train symbolize your journey along life's path, especially in the realm of romance.

It's all very interesting.

I read a chapter of The Great Gatsby last night before I went to bed and then read the rest of it today. It's such a good book! So sad and pathetic! It was first published in 1925 and it's such an awesome criticism of the soul-less rich in the 1920s. To go literary on y'all, there are three audience time periods for every book: the time period of the author while writing, the time period of the characters in the novel, and the time period of the reader. I've read the book a couple of times, but it was particularly interesting to me right now when you consider the incredible prosperity that we've had for the past 15 years and then our current recession (an obvious parallel to the 1920s and the Great Depression). I think I could write a pretty kicking paper comparing Wall Street now and the novel.

Seriously...if you haven't read the book, just do it. It only like 170 pages, so it will only take you a lazy afternoon.

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