Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Please don't laugh...

So, this blog is all about sharing triumphs and defeats right? Well, today, I had both.

I made up my mind yesterday that today I was going to run a mile. I wanted to see what my time would be (kinda like the physical fitness tests that I used to do in elementary school).

In my life, I have never run an entire mile. I've walked many and walked/run a few, but never running (without stopping to walk) in entirety. So, after work, I made my move on the trails behind our house. I actually took the GPS from our car to measure the run (since I couldn't mark off the distance with my car beforehand...).

So, I DID IT. Very, very exciting. Didn't stop to walk. Kept running until I reached 1 mile...

18 minutes and 7 seconds later.

No, I am not kidding.


I ran a mile in the time it takes you to watch almost an entire TV show (without commercials). I ran a mile in the time that some people can run a 5K.

It was quite possibly the slowest mile anyone has ever run. I've never even HEARD of someone running a mile that slow, but I, Laura Samuels LeBlanc, did it.


I'm pretty sure the construction workers were laughing at me (I would have been laughing at me--they can build a house faster than I can run a mile!)

So, that's the story :-)

At least I've done it now and my time will only go down.

I hope.

(Actually, on second thought, you can laugh. It's pretty funny.)

ADDENDUM (about 1 hour, 30 minutes later)

It would appear that I am a complete moron. Turns out, the GPS doesn't work if it's not on actual roads. So, I went running again--on actual roads (probably not the best idea ever, but I had to know...) and, it turns out, my actual mile time is 12:35.

So, yes, before, I was just running haphazardly until the GPS decided to move to 1 mile, which, as it appears, based on my second time, was actually a little under 1.5 miles.

So, yes, I've run a little under 2.5 miles today.

Well, at least I know now :-D

12:35 is pretty good, I think. I am very pleased with it. (And I didn't stop the second time either!)

But I think I want to stick with the elliptical for a little while--although I might come back to running in the near future...

Yes, I'm insane.

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