Saturday, April 25, 2009

30 lbs. lost!

Yup, today was the day that I reached the 30 pound mark, which moved my BMI below 30 pts. (albeit very slightly at 29.9). So, now, I'm not obese--just fat! :-)

Very exciting!

To celebrate, I took all of my clothes out of the closet to filter out the ones that no longer fit. I ended up with two trash bags worth of clothes to take to Goodwill, three pieces that needed to be trashed, and three pairs of shoes that need to be thrown away. My rule was that if it fit me right now, I kept it, regardless of the season. So I kept a handful of sweaters that probably won't fit in the fall, but I didn't want to throw them away just yet. I figure that in the fall, I'll have to do all this again and then I can trash those then. (Yes, I'm probably insane.)

Three things were particularly clear to me:

1. Most of the weight I've lost has been in the lower half of my body because I pretty much threw away all of my pants save the ones I've recently bought and one pair of capris that are probably a little loose now, but are still OK.

2. The shirts I used to wear were way too tight. Some of them still fit me now, so I know they were way worse 3 months ago. Just because it looks OK in the dressing room when you suck in your stomach, doesn't mean it's acceptable for the real world. Kinda embarrassing, but oh well. Most of the shirts that I tossed were button down shirts that look like striped potato sacks! SAYONARA! :-)

3. I have a lot of App. stuff. (I had a pile of keep stuff, Goodwill stuff, and App. stuff--and the App. pile was just as big as the other piles.) I couldn't throw away any of that stuff even though I know that some of the hoodies are way too big. I will have to reevaluate those in the fall closer to football season. I'll probably end up needing all new stuff, but I'm not exactly sure yet because in the middle of football season you end up with a lot of layers. So I'm not sure if I'll be able to salvage any of that stuff--maybe I'll put them in a frame to commemorate the garb of 3 national championships.

Oh, and I did save one pair of size 18 black capris that I'll be able to use in my NutriSystem commercial along with my crappy before picture. :-)

And now that I've reached my 30 lb. goal, I can have my 30 lb. reward, which is to go to the Pennyrich Bra Patch and get fitted professionally and correctly for a new bra. I am very excited about this because I know that most women wear the wrong size bra and I want to know what it's actually like to have one that's correct:

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