Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Curt Schilling of Half Marathons

Saturday I went to Lassiter Mill for my last weekend run before next weekend's half marathon. The run was 5 miles and went really well (49:47). I was super stoked to average under 10 minutes per mile. It was actually a little hot! There aren't any leaves on the trees yet, so there was absolutely no shade. I think it was about 75°. Regardless, it was a great day to be out.

After my run, I crawled down on the rocks right at Lassiter Mill Dam and did all my stretching. The rocks were super nice and cold and it was so pretty:

After my run, I had to stop by the store to pick up some laundry detergent. While I was there, I looked down at my left shoe and saw that it was pinkish-red in one place. After looking at it for a bit I realized that it was blood.


So after stopping by Subway, I got home to check out the damage. (Don't worry! No photos!)

I have never seen so much blood! The entire top of my sock was completely red from the tip to the ankle and the bottom of the sock was covered from the tip to the arch.

Unsurprisingly, my foot looked about the same. (I was so glad Brian wasn't home; he would have fainted!)

So I stuck my feet in the bathtub to wash them off and to figure out what was up. Turns out, one of my toenails grew a bit weird and was like a millimeter too long and the edge rubbed up against the next toe. After I got it all washed up, I looked at it and the "injury" was no bigger than if you stuck yourself with a pin!! And it doesn't hurt. It's so crazy that it caused so much blood!!

I put my shoes in the washer and they came out looking pretty good. You can still see a little bit of pink if you look hard, but I figure that's OK since they're just running shoes.

I put the shoes out in the sun to dry out and I spent the rest of the afternoon laying in the sun reading a magazine. We went out to Crabtree Tavern with Brian's family for dinner.

Last night, after dinner, we heard Gatsby going crazy upstairs. When Brian went up to check, Gatsby had my (washed) bloody shoe out and was wrestling it around. He's never paid attention to our shoes before, but I guess the blood scent still remains! Pretty funny! (Fortunately, the shoe wasn't messed up!)

Today, I did pretty much nothing except work on a jigsaw puzzle and put away my "winter" (aka Christmas) village. Last year I left it up all year because I forgot about it until the middle of the summer and by that point there was no reason to take it down! This year I was determined to get it down once winter was over! :-)

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