Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gatsby Dog!

Brian and I have always talked about how we wanted to find a good, spacious place to take Gatsby where he could run around off-leash. We can take him to a dog park and he does fine there, but he still gets a little intimidated by the other dogs, so we wanted a place where we could take him where he could run around solo. It also needed to be a place that's fenced in because he would definitely make a break for it if he saw a pepperoni truck drive by. :-)

So, when we started playing kickball, we realized that the field that we play on would be perfect as an impromptu, massive dog run. It's completely gated and usually pretty desolate on the weekends. (It's also not a super incredibly nice field, so it's not like we're taking him out at Knightdale High School or something.)

We took him this afternoon and he had the BEST time. He ran around so fast and played fetch with Brian. After about 20 minutes of crazy-fast running, he collapsed into the grass and just rolled around. It was too cute. He also drank a TON of water from this cool water bottle that we bought at REI last month.

We took a few pictures ( and two good videos:

It was a fantastic Sunday afternoon!

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