Friday, May 28, 2010

May has been good to the LeBlancs!

Ten years ago Brian and I graduated from high school (Brian's reunion is next weekend [super excited for a good opportunity to wear my hot blue dress!] and mine is in August).

My best friend Shannon, my good friend Mary (St. Stephens High School '00 valedictorian), and me after our high school graduation. I was ranked no. 8. Not that I remember or have my transcript upstairs in plastic covering or anything. Just sayin'.

Brian didn't have any digitized high school graduation pics. Don't worry...he looked just as silly as I did in those dumb robes.

Seven years ago I was fixin' to hop on a plane and head to France for 5 weeks:

Atop the Eiffel Tower. Realizing for the first time that I was homesick for a boy and not my parents. (Sorry mom and dad.)

Four years ago today, we were walking down the aisle at our cute little Oak Island chapel:

And then driving home the next day for Game 5 of the NHL Eastern Conference Finals.

This next picture wasn't taken in May, but here we are with the Stanley Cup one month later, right after we got back from our honeymoon (I'd show you a picture from our honeymoon, but someone dropped the camera during the lifeboat drill):

One year and 363 days ago we went from:


I sure hope everything doesn't go to hell when our two year "Fit and Finish Warranty" expires Saturday.

And, one year and five days ago, my baby sister got married and Brian and I were both honored to be a part of it:

I hope all of our future Mays are this good!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kick and Softballs

Another kickball season has come and gone and we doubled our success. Yes, sir! Last season, we had 1 win. This season, we had 2 wins!!!!!

Hahahahaha. So, we suck, but we had a great time and a fantastic team. A lot of our people are planning to come back next season (in the fall), so we're hoping that not having too much turnover will help us for season 3.

The last few games of the season, Coach Brian moved me from the outfield to the infield (second and third bases) and I really started enjoying playing defense. I made some good, solid plays (catching line drives and popflys) and now I'm really pumped for next season.

I also got better at kicking and did well at sacrificing myself to advance the boys who were already on base in front of me.

Brian also got a lot better. He had some great kicks and got on base quite a bit.

I got so into it that I bought some cleats! I found them at Target; they're actually for girls (they're black and pink) and were on clearance for $4.75!

So, all that kickball nonsuccess got in my blood and after a trip to the Frankie's Fun Park batting cages, my friend Adam convinced me to sign up to play on his coed softball team (also with the Town of Knightdale).

I became a proud member of Team Get Dirty, even though I'm scared of getting hit by the ball.

And tonight was our first game.

And I got hit by the ball.

On a ground ball in the shin, not too hard. And it hurt. Hurt really bad. But I didn't cry and I didn't die and I picked up the ball and threw it in and that was that (except my shin still hurts; really bad).

So, now I'm not quite so scared of the ball. In fact, I even caught a popup that made it to me in the outfield. I even surprised myself. In fact, after I caught it, I said "OH-MY-GOD-I-CAUGHT-IT!!!" :-) I'm such a lame girl.

My first at bat I hit it into the infield and got out running to first. My second at bat I struck out on foul balls. And my third at bat I got a base hit! And actually got cycled around on the bases to third! That was very exciting!!!

So my goals for softball are to continue improving my fielding and throwing speed. (After my popup catch, I dropped one that I shouldn't have.) I also want to improve my base running speed. Oh yeah, and I'm still keeping my goal of "Don't Die." I think that's the best one.

I'd also like to not get hit by the ball again, so I think I'll buy knee-high socks so that I'll look like a real softball player and the other teams will be so intimidated that they'll hit it away from me. ;-)

Sure, that will work.

MCM training officially started this past weekend with a six mile run. I also became a crazy person and agreed to do a 208-mile relay in the mountains of NC and VA with 11 other people in September. You can read about that race on my running blog.

That's pretty much my life.