Saturday, November 6, 2010

All About Brian

Today's post is dedicated to Brian:

(Goofing off at the Cracker Barrel in Smithfield waiting for a table.)

The last three months have been very good to Brian. Very good.

As most of you know, for the past few years Brian had been hosting the "Saturday Evening Request Program" a few times a month at the local classical music station. As he was talking with people there, he found out that they were integrating a new computer system to help improve the efficiency of the station and the program that they would be using was one that he was very familiar with from his "real" job. So Brian worked for about two months on that project and helped get everything set up.

As the project began coming to an end, it became evident that they would need someone on a more than part time basis to run a section of the system and Brian was offered a full-time job there (his official title is Traffic Manager).

YAY, BRIAN! This was very, very exciting because Brian has always wanted to end back up there working full time. He loves the station's mission and loves the music. In addition to the technical aspects of the job, he's also the permanent on-air substitute announcer and still hosts the request program on Saturday nights twice a month.

He LOVES his new job and the work he's doing. (It's been so nice to have him come home from work EXCITED about what he did during the day, rather than talking about how bored he was all day.)

He also continues to "moonlight" as the Hurricanes press box and locker room reporter.

In other exciting news, Brian is going back to school to finish his degree. He'll be back at THE North Carolina State University and working to finish his B.A. in English (journalism concentration). He'll take 3 classes during the semesters and probably 2–3 classes during the summer sessions and should be done in Fall 2012 (assuming, of course, that he can get all the classes he needs, when he needs them).

He'll be supplementing his on-campus classes with distance education courses. In spring 2011, he'll be taking Introduction to Spanish (FLS 101) and History of the Word Since 1750 (HI 233) on the Web and then Introduction to Editing (ENG 214) on campus on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. His new employer is very supportive of him finishing his degree and doesn't have any problems if he takes classes during the work day, as long as he still works 40 hours each week (which is really easy since he hosts SERP twice a month).

He's excited to get back in the "school" groove and is definitely looking forward to wrapping up his degree. (I, as the resident school geek, am very excited to buy new books and school supplies and find out everything he's learning.) :-)

Yay, Brian!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hehehe. So I finally catching up on everyone's blogs! I think it's so fun that your hubby is going back to school. It cracked me up because I was thinking as you were talking about his classes that it would be cute to make up like a back to school gift-bag (paper, pens, folders, post-its, not cards, hi-lighters...etc) and then you went on about how you were excited about that part too!

Plusss I think it's awesome that he actually LIKES his job. I like my degree but I'm still not sure it's something I want to wake up and do every day!