Saturday, March 22, 2008

Movin' on up...

Yup, just as I expected, they made more progress today. We also caught the workers as they were leaving for lunch, so we were able to walk through and take some pictures by daylight without interrupting their work. Since yesterday they've done a lot of work on the second floor and roof. They've got most of the roof covered with plywood (save the part over the front porch and living room) and it's definitely looking like our house now:


Right side:

Left side:


2nd floor bedroom:

Roof over over one of the front bedrooms:

Looking down over the living room:

Great room (with fireplace):

Windows in the great room:

2nd floor loft:

Living room through the arch:

Half bath and coat closet:

Kitchen and pantry:

Dining room:

Also, when we went to sign our contract addendum, Stephanie told us that they've sold a few of the spec houses in Collection I (the other side of the neighborhood), but she also said that they'd been pretty busy lately. Hopefully, they'll get some more sold on our side of the 'hood...

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