Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sixty Days!

We close on our house in exactly 60 days from today!! We went out there today to check out the status and it's looking good. I didn't take any pictures because it was 40 degrees and rainy (and just generally unpleasant!).

Anyway, all of the plumbing and gas lines are installed and have all passed inspection. Electrical should be on Monday and, hopefully, shingles too. Our fireplace is installed and all of our bathtubs and showers are in. Interestingly, the bath tubs are completely filled with water! We think it's to test the plumbing and to make sure that nothing leaks over the weekend. It's looking really good.

We're also within our lock period for our mortgage, so we can now lock in our interest rate at anytime. It costs less to lock it in if you can wait until the 30-day mark, but Brian and I have decided that if it is affordable enough and at a low rate, we'd rather pay to lock it in now, rather than gamble and worry about the rates going up. The rates are fairly stable right now, but we definitely don't want to tempt our fate.

I called off the staining projecting for this weekend, since it ended up being so cold and damp outside. I figure there will be better weekends in April!

Additionally, the Web site was updated today, so we're anxiously awaiting the next lame e-mail:

As an aside, I'm also first place in the bracket competition and beating all the roadgeeks!

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