Wednesday, April 9, 2008

House-y, House-y (aka Arky, Arky)

I haven't forgotten about the blog, really! The past week has been pretty crazy busy with work and an unexpected trip to Hickory for my great-grandmother's funeral. She was 99!

So, anyway, we've had action on the house since the end of March! Last week it rained like crazy--like three straight days of gray, cold, rainy days. We stopped by the house last Monday and it was barely raining outside, but it was majorly raining INSIDE our house. (Brian called it "freaking Lake Erie.") It was pretty ridiculous. I wasn't majorly concerned because the house didn't have shingles yet, so it made sense to me, but Brian called Chris up just to double check that our wood would be OK. Chris explained that they pretreat the wood with water repellent, so that's why it looked so bad inside. There was water pooled everywhere because none of it was sinking into the wood--it kinda looked like there was a current upstairs near the staircase!! Anyway, by Wednesday the entire place was dry again and we were happy campers.

After the Great Flood was over and the animals had left two-by-two (LOOK THERE'S THE SUN!), the "trades" moved in and completed all the plumbing, HVAC, and wiring. All of the inside electrical and plumbing is done now and all the HVAC is done (there are two HUGE A/C units in the attic and tube-y things all through the walls and ceiling!). The pest-control people also came by and installed the Taexx tubes and pretreated the wood to repel termites.

Additionally, while the electrician was finishing up, they completely shingled the an afternoon! It looks phenomenal :-)

We also went by today during lunch (since I was in Raleigh for jury duty--blah) and they installed all the insulation this morning. It's amazing how much quieter the inside of the house is now!! Very exciting.

According to Chris, they should be starting the siding some time this week and should be working on the drywall next week. I really hope the colors that we picked for the siding and shutters look good--it's kinda hard to tell how everything will look when you're just looking at samples. I guess if it's ugly, then we'll deal :-) I hope to have some pictures tomorrow night (I had taken my camera out of my purse today because I couldn't take it into the court house).

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