Thursday, July 17, 2008


Brian and I have a meatloaf recipe that we found online that is DELICIOUS and not too terribly bad for us. :-) The funny thing about it is that it's a recipe that's designed for Alzheimer's patients. On the side of the Web page there's a note that it's "Easy to Chew!" And it is! It's also really good:

We've also been pretty active this week. On Monday and Wednesday we went on a walk around the neighborhood after we both got home from work. It was pretty toasty Wednesday night, but it's still been pretty nice. On Tuesday and today we went swimming at our neighborhood pool, which we love! There's ton of room to swim around and you don't have to stay in the same place. It was pretty funny, though, because tonight there was some type of kid's group and there were (literally) fifty 8-10 year olds all over the place. It made swimming laps a bit difficult, but it was still a lot of fun.

They've also started building the two houses at the end of our cul-de-sac, so we're really starting to see some action on our street (especially when I leave for work at 7:15--there are workers everywhere!). We also noticed today that there's a house in the neighborhood that is for rent. We're not real excited about that, but I guess there's nothing we can do about it. Whenever I see that stuff, I always wonder if it's due to the mortgage meltdown. The house that is across the street from us was built for a specific family; however, after it was finished, Centex put a FOR SALE sign out front. It didn't take long though and the house was marked SOLD again. We're interested to see who will move in and when!

This weekend I am looking forward to being at home! Brian is going to go to Richmond on Saturday with his fellow roadgeeks to see some new ramp at the I-64/I-295 junction. He gets to wear a hardhat and everything and someone from VDOT will be there to lead them around. Excitement! I, however, will remain home and do some cleaning and organizing. :-)

Also, we're getting a TV and queen size mattress and box springs from one of Brian's coworkers who is picking up and moving to California. We're paying $75 and getting both! The mattress is only 8 months old!! I'm sure mom and dad will appreciate having a bed for football season.

Speaking of which--

In 37 days we'll be in Baton Rouge for the App's season opener!! I am getting soooo pumped. App put out their media guide this week and is really cool looking. My dad also found LSU's game day shirt for our game: It's pretty cool that they actually made a game day shirt for us--Michigan didn't bother! :-) I guess they're taking us seriously!! Have I mentioned how much I love football season?!

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