Thursday, July 17, 2008

Les livres!

I forgot to mention earlier that I finished Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't the best. If you're looking for good books to read, these are really, really funny. I've found myself laughing out loud soooo many times. Because the protagonist is a chica, they're definitely more chick-ish than guy-oriented, but they're still hilarious.

I can't figure out what book I want to read next. I have three from the library--Nature Girl and Sick Puppy by Carl Hiaasen and Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez--plus The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, which is on the bookshelf upstairs. I think I'm just going to stare at the three library books until one jumps out at me first! I'll stop and read Fearless Fourteen once my queue comes up at the library (I'm currently like number 732--really!) or I swipe my mom's copy, which she hasn't even read yet.

For those of you who don't know, my mom is a crazy, psycho bibliophile. It's fantastic! She's currently on her third straight week at Oak Island and I can't imagine how many books she's finished. I know that on Monday two weeks ago she read two complete books in one day. I definitely don't blame her though--if I was down there for three weeks, I'd just rotate from the beach to the front porch. So, anyway, because she's such a voracious reader, she has the tendency to horde the books to which she's really looking forward, so she's had Fearless Fourteen down there with her but she's read her other 20 books before starting that one... She doesn't just read novels though--she also reads the paper and does the crossword puzzle everyday (she's a very smart woman!). She cracks my nanny up because she swears that my mom is the only person on earth who reads every single word in every single story in the paper. Gotta love her!

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