Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My job totally rocks!

Like, I totally love it!

Today during our weekly staff meeting, we learned that starting the first week in August we can begin working one day a week from home. If all goes well during August and September, then we'll go to two days a week in October. This is very, very, very exciting! After the meeting, we all got together to pick our days (to minimize overlap) and I'm going to be working from home on Fridays (yippee!!!).

Although it only takes me 25-30 minutes to get to work, it's still about 35 miles one way. Saving at least 70 (and, eventually, 140) miles per week will be phenomenal! With my uber gas mileage, I can probably go back to gas every two weeks! Even better, Friday is the really bad afternoon-traffic day, so I'm really looking forward to avoiding all that garbage.

If any of y'all are qualified to be a content editor, we're hiring, so let me know and I'll send you the job posting.

In other exciting news, Brian (Raleigh Boychoir alumnus extraordinaire) was asked today to emcee the 40-Year Anniversary Raleigh Boychoir Gala Celebration in October. It should be great fun.

Additionally, our neighborhood got a shoutout in the News and Observer today:


(As an aside, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a great story!)

And, finally, I started reading Love in the Time of Cholera, but I'm not completely into it yet, so I'm putting that on hold for Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil, which I got from the library today.

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