Saturday, December 27, 2008

Joyeux Noël des LeBlancs

We've had a very nice past three days!

On Christmas Eve we pretty much took it easy around the house for most of the morning and early afternoon and then Brian and I got serious and baked a batch of M&M Christmas cookies and some butterscotch brownies. Afterward, we headed over to Brian's parents' house for some yummy spaghetti and family time before midnight Mass. We were done with Mass at about 1:20 a.m. Christmas morning and then we went back to Chez Parental LeBlancs for a Christmas morning drink (we're Catholics--what can we say?) and then made it back to our house around 3 a.m.

Needless to say, none of us were really feeling a crack-of-dawn Christmas morning festivity, so Brian and I got up around 9 a.m. and let Gatsby open his Christmas present before we headed over to Brian's parents' house at 11:15 a.m. Gatsby got a *super stinky* cow hoof chew toy to munch on while we were away on Christmas and he was so very cute opening it. We wrapped it pretty loosely in pretty Christmas paper and it took him about 45 seconds to get the paper off. (We got a video of it and a few pictures of him "helping" us make our Christmas cookies that I will put a little bit later.) We then spent the rest of the day with Brian's parents, brother, and grandma. We had a bomb-diggity-dot-com prime rib for dinner and then concluded the evening with a rousing game of Life, where, if you're wondering, your intrepid blogger was victorious with no children and no life or fire insurance (Go me!).

Today we basically did nothing. Brian slept most of the day and I watched 9 DVR'd episodes of 17 Kids and Counting on TLC about the Duggar family. It was all great fun!

Tomorrow we're off on an adventure to visit my parents, Callie, and Clay in Ocean. It will be interesting to see how Gatsby does on the 2.5 hour car trip and stay in a different place!

1 comment:

Sara said...

So do you guys want 17+ kids?