Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ocean Update!

Happy 2009!!

Yes. Gatsby and I are still at the beach with my parents!! :-)

We were all supposed to go back to Knightdale on Tuesday evening, but then Brian suggested that I should stay down here and that he'd come back this weekend. (Unfortunately he had to work on Wednesday and then again tomorrow.)

I also had to work yesterday, but since I was going to be working from home anyway, it was easy to work from my parents' office.

We've had a great time; doing absolutely nothing!!

Gatsby was so good on the ride down here. He rotated from sitting between Brian and I on the armrest in the front and sticking his head outside the windows in the backseat. It was hilarious and he absolutely loved it! He's also been great at my parents' house. Rambunctious at times, but he's loved all the attention. He's been glued to my mom's ankles when she's been in the kitchen. It's pretty funny. He's also had a good time playing fetch in the backyard. He's getting really good at it and he loves to run as fast as doggedly possible to get the ball.

Like I mentioned, we've been so lazy this week--watching a lot of sports and eating a lot of great food. A brief rundown to make you jealous at how awesome my mom is at cooking!

Saturday - We went to dinner at this bowling alley/sports bar/arcade, called MacDaddy's, in Cape Carteret and then we watched Get Smart.

Sunday - Clay came back and we had our present-opening extravaganza. We also had ham, homemade potato salad, and deviled eggs (I love my mom!).

Monday - We watched soap operas all day (Clay and Brian loved that!), ate chicken pie and noodles for dinner, and then Cal, Clay, dad, mom, and I went to see Valkyrie in Emerald Isle, which was really good! Afterward, we came back and watched Love Actually on DVD.

Tuesday - We watched shows on the History Channel all day about how they make beer, canned food, holiday food, and cold cuts. Brian and I went to Swansboro and ate at the Icehouse restaurant, which was AWESOME. I had the best scallops in a pasta dish and Brian had a filet. Then Brian had to leave to head back to Raleigh! :-( But, don't worry, he didn't get lost because mom and dad sent him home with a new GPS.

Wednesday - I worked all day, :-( Mom accidentally threw away my Icehouse leftovers :-( so I had a McDonald's Happy Meal for lunch, :-( Callie got her new XM Radio installed in her car, and then we had steak for dinner. After dinner, we watched Burn After Reading and Eagle Eye, both of which were REALLY good. Burn After Reading may have been the funniest movie that I've ever seen.

Today - We had egg/sausage casserole and coffee cake for breakfast with mimosas, watched the Rose Bowl Parade, the Winter Classic outdoor hockey game, and lots of football. For dinner, we're having the traditional New Year's feast of pork ribs, cabbage, buttered potatoes, and black eyed peas. We're currently debating which movie we should rent tonight. On the docket are Pulp Fiction, Fargo, Sex and the City, and Mamma Mia. Not sure yet which will win.

Friday - My dad's taking the day off and Callie, Clay, dad, and I are going to head out to the shooting range. I can't wait! Also, Brian will be back. YAY!!

No plans yet for the weekend, but I'm sure it will involve movies and food! We'll be heading back to Knightdale on Sunday and my dad flies out to Las Vegas early Sunday morning.

I uploaded a few pictures of Gatsby to his folder:

I also uploaded some Christmas pictures and videos that we took while making Christmas cookies and then a few that dad took down here:

Also, Clay wanted me to mention him and Callie wanted me to tell everyone that she made the President's List (full-time student with a 4.0 semester average--and that includes a course in microbiology!). Yay, Callie!

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