Thursday, January 22, 2009










Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Dad's Birthday, MLK, Jr. Day Eve, and Eve of Inauguration Eve!

Yep, we're back in Ocean for the weekend celebrating my dad's birthday. Monday is a holiday for my job and Brian is taking the day off, so we can enjoy a longer weekend.

When we got here Friday night, Callie was really excited to show me her dress (the first time I've seen it in person). For those who haven't seen it yet, here it is (Clay, don't look!):

I know y'all didn't really think that was really going to happen...

Please, people.

I will say, though, that the dress is absolutely gorgeous.

As an aside, mom and dad are coming up to Knightdale next weekend and we're off to find a bridesmaid dress. Unfortunately, Callie can't come because she has to be in Morehead to take a nursing school admissions test. :-( However, she and mom have done some previous in-store research and we've all got some good ideas online. We're under strict orders to send her lots of pictures on the camera phone; gotta love technology!

Yesterday, we pretty much took it easy and chilled out around the house. We went to Musashi's for sushi/hibachi. And, it was INCREDIBLE! For some reason, the ginger dressing on their house salads is so good! Mom and I split three rolls: a rainbow roll, a New Bern roll, and a spicy yellowtail roll; and then, of course, we each got 2 pieces of salmon nigiri. Everything was so amazing. Mom and I were commenting that we've never had salmon that fresh and good in our life. Brian had a hibachi'd filet that he is still raving about today. We were all very pleased.

After we got home, we watched the new Indiana Jones movie, which was quite good and then we got suckered into some shows on MLB TV. They have a series on the greatest seasons and last night's was 1995. For some reason, Brian wasn't as interested in that show as we were... (GO BRAVES!)

Today we're back into taking it easy mode...chilling out until the football games start this afternoon.

Oh yeah and the other breaking news: I am starting NutriSystem! I'm very excited about it. I ordered the stuff yesterday and it should arrive either later this week or early next. The program I ordered was "NutriSystem Advanced Never the Same 4-Week w/ Weekends Off" ( My parents are also doing the same program; mom and dad did it two winters ago and had a lot of success. So we're all pretty excited. Brian is also intrigued, but he's pretty picky with food. So he's going to try some of my entrees and then we ordered an "add-on" package of Italian dinners that has food he might like ( So, then, if he likes the food, we can order a package for him. Pretty exciting stuff.

So sorry for all y'all that you're probably going to have to listen to my highs and lows! :-) Hello, support group!

And, finally, Callie recently started a blog with her trials and tribulations with the wedding and nursing school that y'all might be interested in reading:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back to the Real World!

After a nice two weeks off, we all made it back to our regular schedules this week! It was a little difficult to go back, but, I have to say, it was actually nice to get back to being productive.

Today, we spent the day taking down all the Christmas decorations and getting the house set back to normal. It seems so dark to me in the house with all the candles put away, but I have to say that it's always very nice to drag the dead tree out of the house. It's like getting a brand new den! The only thing that we didn't put away was my Christmas village because it's cute and can be a "Winter" village, just as much as a "Christmas" village :-) However, we did move it from the front foyer to the study.

I'm sure the neighbors were quite pleased that we finally got everything down...we realized last night that we were the very last people on our side of the neighborhood to turn off our lights! :-) [They don't pick up trees until Monday, so it was stupid to do it any earlier because we missed last Monday and didn't want to look at it in the yard for a week!]

So, now we're stuck in the worst part of the year. Football is winding down [not soon enough for the Panthers] and the weather sucks--as evidenced by WRAL's 7 Day Forecast:

Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday don't look too awesome to me...

However, we are heading to my parents' house this weekend for my dad's birthday, so maybe we will miss the bitter cold. It's a three-day weekend for me and Brian's taking Monday off.

I, for one, am ready for spring and daylight savings time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Gun Powder and Lead

Callie, Dad, and I had a great time at the shooting range today. It's amazing how much my shot has improved in two trips to the range. We were at an outdoor range today, which is completely different from the indoor range that we went to in Jacksonville a few months ago. There were A TON of people out there. One side was for handguns and shotguns and the other side was for rifles.

We had 3 guns that we were firing today: Callie's Walther P22, Dad's Springfield XD 9mm, and Dad's Ruger LCP. The funny thing was that the smallest gun was the one with the biggest kick!

We shot 200 bullets with Callie's 22 and 100 bullets each with Dad's two guns.

And, basically, we figured out that it would not be ideal to break into any of our houses.

A few pictures:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ocean Update!

Happy 2009!!

Yes. Gatsby and I are still at the beach with my parents!! :-)

We were all supposed to go back to Knightdale on Tuesday evening, but then Brian suggested that I should stay down here and that he'd come back this weekend. (Unfortunately he had to work on Wednesday and then again tomorrow.)

I also had to work yesterday, but since I was going to be working from home anyway, it was easy to work from my parents' office.

We've had a great time; doing absolutely nothing!!

Gatsby was so good on the ride down here. He rotated from sitting between Brian and I on the armrest in the front and sticking his head outside the windows in the backseat. It was hilarious and he absolutely loved it! He's also been great at my parents' house. Rambunctious at times, but he's loved all the attention. He's been glued to my mom's ankles when she's been in the kitchen. It's pretty funny. He's also had a good time playing fetch in the backyard. He's getting really good at it and he loves to run as fast as doggedly possible to get the ball.

Like I mentioned, we've been so lazy this week--watching a lot of sports and eating a lot of great food. A brief rundown to make you jealous at how awesome my mom is at cooking!

Saturday - We went to dinner at this bowling alley/sports bar/arcade, called MacDaddy's, in Cape Carteret and then we watched Get Smart.

Sunday - Clay came back and we had our present-opening extravaganza. We also had ham, homemade potato salad, and deviled eggs (I love my mom!).

Monday - We watched soap operas all day (Clay and Brian loved that!), ate chicken pie and noodles for dinner, and then Cal, Clay, dad, mom, and I went to see Valkyrie in Emerald Isle, which was really good! Afterward, we came back and watched Love Actually on DVD.

Tuesday - We watched shows on the History Channel all day about how they make beer, canned food, holiday food, and cold cuts. Brian and I went to Swansboro and ate at the Icehouse restaurant, which was AWESOME. I had the best scallops in a pasta dish and Brian had a filet. Then Brian had to leave to head back to Raleigh! :-( But, don't worry, he didn't get lost because mom and dad sent him home with a new GPS.

Wednesday - I worked all day, :-( Mom accidentally threw away my Icehouse leftovers :-( so I had a McDonald's Happy Meal for lunch, :-( Callie got her new XM Radio installed in her car, and then we had steak for dinner. After dinner, we watched Burn After Reading and Eagle Eye, both of which were REALLY good. Burn After Reading may have been the funniest movie that I've ever seen.

Today - We had egg/sausage casserole and coffee cake for breakfast with mimosas, watched the Rose Bowl Parade, the Winter Classic outdoor hockey game, and lots of football. For dinner, we're having the traditional New Year's feast of pork ribs, cabbage, buttered potatoes, and black eyed peas. We're currently debating which movie we should rent tonight. On the docket are Pulp Fiction, Fargo, Sex and the City, and Mamma Mia. Not sure yet which will win.

Friday - My dad's taking the day off and Callie, Clay, dad, and I are going to head out to the shooting range. I can't wait! Also, Brian will be back. YAY!!

No plans yet for the weekend, but I'm sure it will involve movies and food! We'll be heading back to Knightdale on Sunday and my dad flies out to Las Vegas early Sunday morning.

I uploaded a few pictures of Gatsby to his folder:

I also uploaded some Christmas pictures and videos that we took while making Christmas cookies and then a few that dad took down here:

Also, Clay wanted me to mention him and Callie wanted me to tell everyone that she made the President's List (full-time student with a 4.0 semester average--and that includes a course in microbiology!). Yay, Callie!