Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Almost Friday 13; Happy 22nd Birthday, Callie; and Happy Almost, Almost Valentine's Day

I'm not really superstitious, but I am quite pleased that I don't have to go in to work tomorrow. You just never really know when bad things will happen on Friday the 13th :-) Is it just me or does it seem like there have been a lot of Friday the 13ths lately?

All is well in LeBlanc land. Little Gatsby is continuing to be an awesome little dog. It's hilarious to watch all the stuff that catches his interest or the things he does. Because we've had such awesome weather and open windows, Gatsby has figured out that he loves looking out the upstairs windows to survey the world. Wednesday morning when Brian left for work Gatsby darted upstairs to watch him back out of the driveway. It was so cute!

We had Brian's mom and grandma over last Sunday night and Gatsby was so good. He didn't get crazy or jump around too much, which was very nice! We've pretty much learned that if we want peace while we're eating that we have to give him a nice yummy, long-lasting treat (for example, frozen peanut butter in a hollow toy).

Occasionally he'll do not-so-good things like dart out the door into the back field and want to play tag. Not so fun for me and Brian considering Gatsby is way faster. As a joke whenever he does bad things we're calling him Bygats (pronounced bee-gats), which we've decided is Gatsby's alter ego (aka demon dog). It kinda reminds me of "egads!"

NutriSystem is going great. After 2.5 weeks, I've lost 9 lbs. Yay me! I'm feeling really good and it is SOO SOO easy. I can't believe how easy it is. I am truly never hungry. I'm really lucky to like lots of different foods, so it's been fun to play around with my vegetables. My favorite is to "fry" cabbage in water and add a ton of black pepper and some Splenda. It is SO good. I also really like the pizza, which is surprising for me because I don't really like "real" pizza that much. It's fun to add tons of veggies and some turkey pepperoni.

I also had the hamburger tonight. It was also awesome. We're supposed to add a fat serving once a day, so I was able to add some real mayo to the burger and then added a ton of veggies.

I'm totally digging the whole thing. I've been a little slack on the 5K training lately, but I'm planning to get motivated. The good news is that I'm still losing weight. I'm forcing Brian to take my picture every Sunday night. It's been pretty cool to see noticeable differences every week.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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