Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pretty colors, bp, jogging, meditation, and meat

I am very excited about my fruit selections this week and my pretty fruit bowl:

3 bananas, 3 apples, 3 pears, 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit, 1 tangelo, 1 mango, and 1 horned melon (I also got some blackberries, but they don't get to go in the fruit bowl...)

I also dragged poor Brian to Kohl's so that I could get a new bathing suit. After trying on many bathing suits, I ended up with this one and a cute brown coverup:

Gatsby and I are planning to go to the beach this coming weekend and Callie and I have already set up a date at Fort Macon for some sand action. Brian will most likely not be joining us because he's planning to head north to use his press credential to attend one of the Canes away-playoff-games in Newark.

Poor guy. I'm going to the beach and he's going to New Jersey. HA!

I tried something different with my workout today. I did my normal strength training stuff upstairs and then headed outside. I want to get to the point where I'm like a super jogger because I really like doing it, but I can't do it for too long at one time because my heart rate gets too high and it's not really worth dying for...

So, I decided that I would alternate between walking for 2 minutes and jogging for 2 minutes. And I did that for about 40 minutes and then walked for about 10 minutes after I finished. I probably wouldn't have normally walked for the extra 10 minutes (usually, more like 5), but I ended up about 10 minutes from the house and I had to get back home! :-) It was a very good workout. I decided on the 2 minute intervals because 2 minutes of walking usually brings my heart rate right to 60% of my max and I don't want to go below that during my workout. I know that I went at least 2.3 miles on the road (we measured that out by car), but I'm not sure about the part on the walking trail. I think the walking trail is probably 0.5-0.75 miles one way and I did the full length twice, so I'm thinking that I was probably at about 3.5 miles for the day.

And at least something is working because this was my weekly Teeter BP check:

OK, that was check #4. The first check was 121/69 and #2 and #3 were around 113/65.

I'm also being kinda new age and funky right now. I downloaded some meditation podcasts on my ipod and the one I've listened to so far (twice) is a meditation to use right before you go to sleep and it's incredible how well it works. I've had 2 nights of the best, deepest sleeps ever! If you're interested it's online at (and also on iTunes). The guy's voice is a little hokey, but it does work!

Also, once I get to my goal weight and stop with the NS food, I'm considering eliminating mammals from my diet (i.e. beef and pork). I've found that I really don't care that much for them and I know I can get protein from other good sources. I wouldn't go full vegetarian because I don't think I could do without fish (my beloved nigiri!) and I do really like chicken. I've just pretty much figured out that I do really well with restrictions and guidelines and I want to be able to continue all I'm doing now as a lifestyle change. I'd love to start it now, but I don't want to limit my NS entrees. I still need a little bit of choice! :-)

It could also just be that I've been in publishing too long.

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