Monday, July 20, 2009

Weight Loss Update | Annoying Motivational Laura-ish-ness

Because we've been travelling so much, I've been really slack on taking weight-loss progress pictures and measurements! :-( Not so good.

But I haven't been slack at weight loss and exercise! So good!

I haven't ordered any new NS food lately because I had a huge backlog of dinners left over from past deliveries and I've found really good substitutes at the grocery store for breakfast and lunch items. Once I get through most of my dinner food, I'll definitely be ordering some more dinners to keep handy!

So far, I've lost 42 lbs. And I'm incredibly pleased with that. It comes out to about 7 lbs./month, which is right along a "safe" weight loss rate.

In the past month or so, I've really ramped up my exercise. I'm doing some form of cardio 6 days per week and strength training 3-4 days per week. I've also discovered that I REALLY like running. Yes, perhaps, I'm insane. I'm definitely a SLOW runner, but I'm pleased with what I can do. I had been doing a run/walk combo and I just decided on July 4th that I was going to go out for a complete run--and I did it!

When I run, I go 2.03 miles (because that's the course I've mapped out!) and I run it completely without stopping or walking. When I get done, I walk for another 1-2 miles (usually with Brian and Gatsby--a family that walks together, lives longer together!). I usually do that 3-4 days/week and the other 2-3 days, I do different cardio (exercise video, elliptical, walking, etc.).
In the past few weeks, it's taken me 26-28 minutes to run my 2.03 miles--I told y'all I was slow, but I don't care! Today, however, I was really feeling good and I ran it in 23:29--or, 11:34/mile.

This was SUPER exciting.

When I finished and looked at my watch, I said (out loud, to myself--I'm not kidding):

Holy crap. I can do anything.

And, that's how I feel. It's incredible.

(However, the little girls playing in their front yard looked at me kinda weird when I said that. I guess people don't usually give themselves pep talks on the sidewalk. Though, let's be honest, everyone should!)

I'm definitely into this exercise/healthy diet thing for life. It's completely changed my life. I don't even have to think about what to eat now or the correct portion size. I just do it. And it's not hard to motivate myself to exercise. I love getting all sweaty and feeling like I've accomplished something. It's AWESOME.

Twice while I was at the beach, I cyclejacked my mom's bicycle and went riding with my dad. Which was a ton of fun!! (I foresee some bikes in mine and Brian's futures!)

My current goal is to run a 5K. I've walked plenty of them and I'll be ready to run one in a few months. I'm not sure when and where, but I'm going to do it and totally rock it. Afterwards, who knows? Probably some more 5Ks; maybe a 10K; half-marathon; marathon; triathlon; Iditarod?

My other goal is to do a pullup. I try pretty much every day on the pullup bars by our walking trail. So far, I've gone from 1/10th of a pullup to 1/8th of a pullup. I figure I'll have the pullup accomplished when I finish my 2nd Iditarod.

I've also decided that in the mid-fall, I am going to start P90X ( I think that will be a good time to start because it will be a good in-the-house thing to do when it starts getting cold (and dark earlier!) and I'll be in better shape by then... If you don't know, P90X is a fitness-cult-thing that's really popular right now. It's marketed in people in generally good fitness condition who want to get "absolutely ripped." It's a series of workout DVDs that you do for 90 days. It actually has a "fit test" ( that they want you to pass before you start. I can actually pass it now, but I'll be less likely to die if I wait a few months. It mainly concentrates on building muscle and strength, but also incorporates lots of cardio and other good-for-you things. I did one of the workouts this past weekend with dad (plyometrics, aka jumping) and it was a lot of fun, but definitely hard.


So, now I have to dole out some kudos! I am incredibly proud of my family!

Brian has been stepping up his exercise like it's going out of style! He and Gatsby are best walking buds and they walk for about an hour about 4 days each week. A few weeks ago he did a workout video with me and (probably wanted to kill me) but did incredibly well. He's also beginning to pay a lot more attention to nutrition labels and is trying new things (AND eating breakfast!!!) I am so proud of him.

My momma is a total hottie. She's had her bike for more than a month and she rides it about an hour and 15 minutes most days of the week (she walks the other days). She looks INCREDIBLE. I think she's pretty much ridden all over Oak Island in the past month that she's been there. We think she'll be ready for the 2011 Tour de France, but she has to figure out how to stand up and pedal first!

My dad is also kicking butt. Even though he's traveling all the time, he gets up at 5 a.m. to go run during the week! When we did a 5K over the 4th in Southport, he ran his in
25:49 (8:19/mile). He was 4th in his age group! Of course, he's still cycling when he's at the beach or at home. He also started P90X on Saturday and I can't wait to see how he looks in 90 days! Right now, he also looks awesome, so in 90 days there is no telling...

Callie and Clay are also doing P90X together (see a trend?). They started last week. Frankly, I'm a little scared to see them. They're pretty much rocking married life so far. Evidently their kitties look at them like they're crazy when they do plyometrics together. I can't imagine why.

Even Brian's parents are getting in on the action with some workout videos. They're toning and doing some walking videos.

It's all very exciting. I am so proud of everyone.


So, I've been on my quest for almost 6 months and, like I said, I've lost 42 lbs. so far. My goal is to lose another 38 lbs. to put me at a total weight loss of 80 lbs. or at 124.4 lbs. (Yes, I know you're doing the math--I'll save you pulling up the Windows calculator--I started at 204.4.) I'll be honest. I have no idea what I'll look like at 124.4 lbs. That will put me squarely at a healthy BMI of 21.4, which is right within the recommendations. I think it will be about right. If it's not, I'll reevaluate. I'm not as concerned about the number as I am what looks and feels best. Because I like running so much, I know that the lighter I am the easier that will be. I'm also working hard to be as toned as possible.

I've gone from size 16/18 (XL-1X) to 10/12 (M-L) and I love, love, love going to the mall now. It is incredibly fun to be able to go in to any store and be able to find something that fits. Last weekend, I went to the mall in search of a dress for Mandy's wedding and found quite a few things that I liked (though I only bought a dress--go team self-restraint!). However, I did try on two pairs of jeans at Express. I was SO excited when the 12s were too big and the 10s were perfect.

So, I don't have any progress pictures, but I do have two pictures that I sent to Callie last night, as I'm trying to figure out how I want to accessorize my dress for the wedding this weekend.

(No, I don't purposely just have Brian take pictures of me posing by the fireplace!)

I send them to my fashonista sister for her advice. FYI, we still haven't decided, but I have a few other things that Callie wants me to try--I just want to be able wear my shoes from Callie's wedding again...

Have a super week, y'all!!

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