Thursday, July 23, 2009


Brian and I have a running joke with Gatsby that whenever something good happens to him we say, "BEST DAY EVER!" with a nod to the fact that dogs are always so happy and excited. A few examples:

Gatsby gets up and has breakfast. BEST DAY EVER!
Gatsby goes back to bed beside dad. BEST DAY EVER!
Mom works at home all day. BEST DAY EVER!
Gatsby goes potty outside and gets a doggie biscuit. BEST DAY EVER!
Gatsby goes for a ride in the car and sticks his head out the window the whole time. BEST DAY EVER!
Gatsby goes on a walk. BEST DAY EVER!
Gatsby eats dinner. BEST DAY EVER!
Gatsby crawls under all the sheets and curls up into a little ball. BEST DAY EVER.

(I think you get the idea.)

So, in that spirit, this afternoon, I had the BEST DAY EVER!

After I left work, I had a very lovely phone call with my mom and hit no traffic. I was on my way out the door to go to the nail place and stopped by the mail box and had my August issue of Shape. Perfect reading during my pedicure.

I ended up with an awesome nail girl (who also did my eyebrows really well) and she did a really fantastic job with my toe nails. (I didn't even squirm too too bad during all the ticklish moments!) AND the color that I picked looked even better on my toes than in the bottle.

When I made it home, I went for a run and Brian walked Gatsby. I was kinda bummed after my run because my time was slower than it had been on Monday, but I felt like I had exerted a lot of energy. I decided to just chalk it up to the fact that it was a lot more humid today.

I was, however, quite pleased that my run didn't mess up my pedicure.

We all made it home before a storm rolled through and my dinner was awesome. Yesterday at the Teeter, I bought a Kashi Turkey Fiesta Sandwich Pocket that has the exact same stats as a NutriSystem dinner entree ( This thing was freaking awesome! I couldn't believe how good it was. I had it with some bell peppers and tomatoes sauteed in balsamic vinegar. DELISH!

Then, after dinner, my dad called to tell me how well P90X was going for him and while we were talking I was logging my run on my little exercise tracking Web site ( As I was logging it, I realized that I had remembered the wrong time from Monday and my run was actually 12 seconds FASTER than Monday's (23:17 or 11:28/mile). It was quite fantastic!

So, basically, BEST DAY EVER!!

And tomorrow I'm going to Charlotte!!

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