Sunday, December 13, 2009

Running and Weight Loss Update

Things continue to go well on my weight loss journey. It's hard to believe, but on January 26 I will have been at this for one year. The pounds lost rate has definitely slowed down, but I know that's because I'm moving closer to my goal weight. Eating on Saturdays during football season and during the holidays has been (and will be) challenging, but I feel really confident in my ability to do this. Basically, I know that even if I overindulge one day, I just jump right back on the ship the next morning and keep going.

It also helps that I'm staying really active. I'm exercising five to six days a week. I'm usually running three of those days and cross training the other two or three (elliptical trainer or a cardio/strength training DVD). I feel confident that this is something that I can maintain for the long haul. I've actually discovered that I tend to "crave" exercise. (I know you're thinking, "yeah, right, lady!", but it's true!)

Running is my absolute favorite exercise. When I run, I can't think about anything except for my breathing or like a four to five word mantra that I just repeat over and over in my head. Plus, when you're out running, people don't bother you or ask you questions or talk to you. It's just completely "me" time. I really, really enjoy it (that's probably the introvert side of me). I also like how I can challenge myself to improve.

On Thanksgiving morning, I ran the Gobbler's Run 5K in Wake Forest. It was a lot of fun. It was chilly, but a good race. I ran it in 29:26 (9:28/mile), which is the fastest multiple-mile run that I've ever done. I have also done a single mile time run at 8:46, but I also thought I was going to die when that was over. :-)

I really like doing races because it helps keep me motivated. In fact, I like it so much that I'm going to run a half marathon in Raleigh at the end of March. I started training for it right after Thanksgiving. The training schedule is surprisingly not too demanding. I do two 30-minute runs during the week and one longer run on the weekend (today was 4 miles). I try to push myself hard during my 30 minute runs and then keep a steady, slower pace on the longer runs. If you're interested, I'm using this schedule ( I'm really excited about it.

I wish I travelled more because it would be really fun to get to run in lots of different places (I'm jealous my dad gets to do this)! Last weekend, my family was in Richmond for an App. game and my dad and I went running together Sunday morning. My poor dad had to slow down so that I didn't puke, but we had a really good time. We ran on an island in the middle of the James River that used to be a Civil War POW camp and was also a horse racing track during Colonial times. Pretty amazing history! Here's a picture: (you can see the running trail in between the quarry lake and the river up at the top). It was a cold run, but it was really cool to experience it with my dad.


Weight Loss Numbers

I'm 2.2 lbs. away from being in a "normal" weight range for my height and it's taking me FOREVER to get there! Even though, the weight loss is slowing, I can tell a difference in clothing sizes. Yesterday, I was at Kohl's looking for an outfit and I'm now wearing size 6 pants and small or medium shirts. In one brand, I fit into size 4 pants, but those people must be smoking crack because their sizing is obviously crazy wrong!

Here's a cute pic of me and mom (who is a total hottie!) in Richmond:

And a picture of me after my Thanksgiving 5K (I was pretty proud, I'm not gonna lie!):

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