Friday, December 18, 2009

The Cleveland Report

Cold. Gray. Windy.

That is all.


Although we went up there under very sad circumstances, we did have a good trip. Brian and I left super, super, super early (left the house at 5 a.m.) Monday morning in a cloud of fog (evidently right after we left there was a ground-stop in Raleigh). We were at our hotel in Cleveland by 10 a.m. and then we pretty much took the day by storm. We went with Mike and Barb to run some errands and take a tour of all the Henry and LeBlanc hot spots. It was most excellent for me to get the real tour with super narration.

That evening, Brian and I went out to a swanky dinner downtown at the Cleveland Chophouse. Holy moly, it was good! I had the salmon with a sesame-apricot glaze served over a bed of fresh sautéed spinach and rice pilaf and Brian had a bone-in ribeye. For dessert, we split a crazy-yummy chocolate ganache thing with raspberry syrup. After dinner, we went to check out some Christmas lights at Nela Park on the East Side. It was was kinda scary getting out there (it's not in a very nice area!) and the lights were underwhelming, but we had a fun drive and Brian got to see a very cool redesigned road. After that, we drove about 300 blocks west to meet up with Brian's parents and their friends in Westlake. We hung out there until it was time to go pick up Kevin at the airport (his airplane was super late)!

On Tuesday, we had to meet up with the minister and make arrangements for the funeral. We also did a little bit of shopping [Brian and Kevin both forgot their belts--are they brothers or what?!] and then visited with Brian's aunt. Tuesday night, Brian and Kevin went to the Cavs game while I "helped" Mike and Barb create photo collages for the funeral. (If you know me, you know that I am the least artistic human on the planet, so I basically helped distribute double-sided tape and provided words of encouragement!) The collages looked really fantastic and it was awesome to see all the different pictures. We were all laughing about what a fashionista G was. In one of the pictures, she was decked out in a gorgeous dress and pearls while holding a two week old Barb!!!

The funeral was Wednesday and everything went very nicely. Brian and Mike both did readings and the service was held in a small chapel at the Lakewood Presbyterian Church. There was a fantastic pipe organ in the small chapel and the flowers that Barb picked were so gorgeous. (I wish I would have taken a picture of them!) After we went to the cemetery, we had a phenomenal late lunch at Pier W. They had the most incredible bruschetta on the appetizer sampler and I had the "Vegetarian Tasting" for my entree: Breaded Eggplant Parmesan, Braised Escarole, Sundried Tomato Gnocchi, Marinara Sauce, Reggiano. Brian had a burger. Oh my goodness; it was sooooo good. For dessert, I had miniature chocolate truffles. After lunch, we went back to Brian's aunt's house for a while. Later that night, we hit up Malley's, which is a local chocolate candy store and ice cream shop. (Yes, I had dessert twice in one day and it was SOOO good!) All-in-all, it was a fantastic celebration of G's life. If you're interested, the obituary that ran in the Plain Dealer is online.

Thursday, we hit up Skyline Chili (one of Brian's favorites) before heading to the airport. I had never been before, but it was pretty good. I was impressed that they actually had nonmeat offerings.

I think we are all completely exhausted. Other than hitting up the grocery store today and picking up Gatsby, I've been so lazy today and it's been very, very nice to have some downtime.

Speaking of Gatsby, our little doggie did so good at Suite Paws! He was the "All-Star Boarder of the Week" and we had the best time watching him on the webcam (at daycare and in his little room). He's also been completely exhausted all day! This was the little bulletin board that they put up for him:

We took a few pictures while we were up there that are up on Picasa: The ones that Brian and Kevin took at the Cav's game are really cool. They had phenomenal seats; like 10 rows off the court for super cheap!

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