Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas, travels, etc.

After all of the craziness that we had with rushing off to Cleveland, it was really nice to have a pretty low-key, relaxing Christmas. We spent Christmas in Knightdale and then the week after Christmas at my parents' house in Ocean.

Brian had to work for most of Christmas Eve, so after he got off work, we headed over to his parents' house, ate some dinner, and hung out over there until Midnight Mass, which, contrary to Midnight Mass at the Vatican, actually started at midnight. Brian's mom played handbells and sang in the choir, so it was fun to see all of her performances. We got home around 2:30 a.m. and immediately crashed in bed.

We were planning to head over to the LeBlancs around 10 a.m., so when my alarm went off at 9 a.m., my first thought was total panic when I realized that we had forgotten to start the bread machine (we were making bread to have with our Christmas feast). FORTUNATELY, my loving husband had realized that we had forgotten the bread around 7 a.m. when he got up with Gatsby and had started the bread machine then. Whew...Christmas crisis averted! :-)

Christmas day was lots of fun and pretty relaxing. After we ate dinner, we went back to the house and picked Gatsby up and took him back over with us. This was the second time that we have taken him over there and he did really well this time. He made friends with Mike (who he was very scared of before) and spent the night sniffing out everything in their house while we played Trivial Pursuit. The highlight of the LeBlanc Christmas was that we got a very sweet HDTV to put in our loft. It's so nice (for me) for Brian to be able to go upstairs and watch his hockey games upstairs in HD! ;-)

The Sunday after Christmas we packed up the Civic with like 11 thousand tons worth of stuff and headed to mom and dad's for the week. We had a fantastic week! I spent a lot of time transferring our old home videos to DVD, which takes a long time because (1) we have a ton of home videos and (2) you have to play each one in its entirety. I think I did like 25 of them over the week and I'm still not done. I LOVE watching our old videos because Callie and I were the cutest kids ever and we have so many funny things captured on video.

The highlight of my Christmas was getting my Garmin Forerunner 305, which is a very pimp, wrist-top GPS device that tracks your runs. It keeps track of your distance, heart rate, calories, and a million other things and then let's you upload it to your computer and track your progress on Google Maps. The online component creates RSS feeds of your data, which I've added to the right column of the blog, in case anyone cares. If anyone REALLY cares, you can also just subscribe to the RSS: (PS: I know that no one else cares but me and my dad, but I like to pretend that others do.) :-)

Our Christmas pics are up on Picasa: (the first few are Christmas with my dad's mom and sister in Raleigh and then the rest are at my parents' house in Ocean).

While we were there, my dad got a new handgun (a Springfield Armory 1911 .45 caliber), so we went to the gun range twice. Shooting that gun is SO much fun. It's heavier than his other ones, so you can be really accurate. We were all fantastic shots with that gun--even Clay, which is like a miracle! ;-)

We took a few pictures at the gun range in Jacksonville that are up on Picasa: (Brian didn't go shooting with us because he was at Harris Teeter with mom. I'm not kidding.)

I'm off work for MLK Jr. Day, so I came back down to my parents' house for the long weekend. Because I work remotely on Fridays, I was able to leave Thursday right after work and work down here on Friday. (A very nice perk!) We've had a nice weekend with lots of yummy food and exercise. Sushi is for dinner tonight!!

Our other exciting news is that Brian and I are going to New York City the first weekend in February. Brian is going to cover a Canes/Islanders game, so I'm going to tag along and we're going to do the touristy NYC things. I've only been to NYC a few times and only as drive (or fly) throughs. Never an actual visit. I AM SO EXCITED! We're going to drive to Baltimore after work on Thursday night and then we'll only have about 3 hours to NYC on Friday morning. Our anticipated itinerary is as follows:
  • Friday night: dinner and Broadway
  • Saturday: touristy shopping, like visiting Macy's, FAO Schwartz, etc.
  • Saturday night: Brian to the hockey game and Laura shopping at a mall on Long Island
  • Sunday: NYC touristy stuff (Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, bus tour, and maybe a tour of Radio City Music Hall)
I'm planning to take lots of pictures and do a full blog report when we get back. (I'm trying to remember to blog more!)


Sara said...

Wow, sounds VERY busy!

I'm glad you're enjoying running so much. I can't image it, though, as I am SO not a runner. Hate running, or jogging, or anything faster than a fast walk, really. But anyway, GO YOU!

Hampers said...

Just gone through your blog on CHristmas vacation and found it to be awesome. It was nice going through your blog.