Sunday, January 27, 2008

Papiers de mortgage

Tonight was paperwork night! We really didn't have as much to do with it as I previously thought. Fortunately, most of it was already filled out from the information that we had provided through the online preapproval form. The only thing that was remotely confusing was a form about a tax escrow account. Evidently, the first year that we live in our house (June-December '08) we're only going to be taxed for the land value because they don't reappraise the lot to include the value of the house until the 2009 tax year. That's good news for us (b/c the land sans house is worth significantly less), but it gave us this confusing form. They wanted to know if we wanted them to escrow more money in 2007 to help "ease" the stress of our tax escrow payments from "significantly increasing" once the actual appraisal happens. We decided that we're just going to save the difference on our own now and make interest on the money and then have it in reserve if we need it.

While on the subject, I really hate escrow accounts and I'm planning to get out of ours as soon as USAA will let us! I'd much rather just save the money myself and pay taxes and insurance premiums on our own when they become due!! If you're "worthy" enough to qualify for a mortgage, you should be smart enough to pay your own damn taxes. If you can't, then you probably shouldn't be buying a house!! Oh well. I guess there are some things that you just can't worry about...but it's still irks my nerves.

The good thing is that we shouldn't have too much more paperwork to deal with until closing!

I'm also really starting to get excited about looking for furniture and other accessories. I'm just glad that Rooms to Go has no-interest financing until the second coming! We're also planning to get these super sweet blinds. We got a catalog from one company over the weekend and I think I've already picked out what I want. I am so excited to see it all come together!!

1 comment:

Sara said...
