Monday, May 26, 2008


Today was more packing!! :-) We've made a lot of good progress. We have a few more things to pack, but nothing too bad. On Wednesday, I'll probably spend the day cleaning (yuck!) because I know that we're not going to want to come back over here and clean after everything has been moved out. Fortunately, we have our Roomba, so after everything is moved out on Friday, we're going to set it to vacuum-until-it-runs-out-of-battery-power and then swing back by to pick it up when we turn in our keys next week!

Tomorrow, Goodwill is coming to pick up our current couch, which is fantastic because it's a one-billion-pound sleeper sofa and it would probably kill any of us if we tried to take it down the stairs. We did not come all this way just for death-by-sofa!

Tomorrow morning I have to call the attorney to get the exact amount of money that we have to pay at closing and then have USAA wire that money to the closing attorney. Everyone cross your fingers that the amount she tells me is what I *think* she's going to tell me! :-)

Also, here's the three-day-out weather watch:

Still looking pretty good!!

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