Saturday, February 28, 2009

A day in the life of Laura and Gatsby...

OK, I'm not going to lie...the weather today sucked and tomorrow isn't going to be much better--even calling for an icy mix and snow!

As you can probably guess, Gatsby and I worked really hard today. We woke up about 7 a.m. so that he could have his breakfast and go outside and then we went back to sleep until 9 a.m. After breakfast, I settled in on the couch to pay some bills and make sure every thing was in order and then played around on the computer and watched silly, trifling girl shows until lunch. My lunch was really good: NS Black Bean and Tortilla Soup and a lettuce/tomato salad with some canned albacore tuna and fat free ranch.

After lunch, Gatsby warmed up on his blanket in front of the fireplace and took a nap while I read The Great Gatsby (and, yes, we also had some classical music playing in the background). :-) It was delightful. To no one's surprise, I fell asleep for an hour and a half until Lil G jumped up on top of me to insist that I wake up and play with him. So I did. :-)

After playing and our afternoon snack, the little doggie decided that he was tired again and went back to sleep, so I went back to reading. At one point, I snuck off to the bathroom and I came back to this:

As you can see, he's pretty pleased with his seat-stealing self. (This really shouldn't surprise me because he does the same thing to me and Brian pretty much every night, but it's still funny.)

Overall, it was a glorious, rainy day.

I also had two funny dreams last night. In the first, I was at train station counter in France and I was trying to find the right train to get somewhere. I was having major issues figuring it out and the guy at the station told me that I had rush to catch the next train and then make a transfer at some stop that I couldn't pronounce (Chamonelleix, or something else...). Well, I made it onto the train, but I couldn't remember the transfer station and I couldn't find my map to figure it out. So I was just riding around trying to find where I needed to go. It was very stressful.

In the second dream, I got transferred to my company's office in New York City and Brian and I decided to move. Well, evidently, we just made the move without finding a place to live first, so we got up there and we were stuck on the Cross-Bronx and in all these different hotels trying to decide if we should live in Manhattan or New Jersey. It was also very stressful.

I know why all the components appeared in my dream, but it's always so funny to see how your brain makes connections! According to a dream analysis Web site, which is probably not really legit, I am dealing with the following:

Lost: If you dream that you are lost, you may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. Or, you may be trying to get accustomed to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing.

Traffic: Watching traffic in a dream suggests that you are trying to solve a problem alone when you should be requesting help or cooperation from others.

Train: To see a moving train in your dreams means you will soon have reason to make a journey. Dreams of riding a train symbolize your journey along life's path, especially in the realm of romance.

It's all very interesting.

I read a chapter of The Great Gatsby last night before I went to bed and then read the rest of it today. It's such a good book! So sad and pathetic! It was first published in 1925 and it's such an awesome criticism of the soul-less rich in the 1920s. To go literary on y'all, there are three audience time periods for every book: the time period of the author while writing, the time period of the characters in the novel, and the time period of the reader. I've read the book a couple of times, but it was particularly interesting to me right now when you consider the incredible prosperity that we've had for the past 15 years and then our current recession (an obvious parallel to the 1920s and the Great Depression). I think I could write a pretty kicking paper comparing Wall Street now and the novel.

Seriously...if you haven't read the book, just do it. It only like 170 pages, so it will only take you a lazy afternoon.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Can y'all tell that this is the only thing I'm working on?

OK, so I decided I did want to post pictures of a month's worth of NutriSystem. I'm forcing poor Brian to take pictures of me each Sunday night :-)


1 Month Later--02/22/2009

The difference one month makes can be pretty incredible!

And, yes, I am wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants with snowflakes. I like to be comfortable! I also thought it would behoove me to make my before picture particularly bad so that my after will look especially awesome when NutriSystem invites me to a professional photo shoot to be in one of their commercials. ;-)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pretty Princess Dress-Up

Tonight, on a whim, I decided to play pretty princess dress-up and I pulled out my wedding dress to see how it fit now. Yes, I even pulled out the crazy corset bra.

Well, I'm happy to report that it was really big on me! I wasn't even remotely close to filling out the bust and Brian was able to stick his fist in the back.


The dress is still awesome though! :-)

Friday, February 20, 2009

NutriSystem Results

(I warned y'all when I started that I was probably going to annoy you with this stuff.)

I've pretty much figured out that the more vocal I am with this whole thing, the more motivated it keeps me. In other words, if I drop out and fail, then y'all will all think I'm a loser! :-)

So, Sunday will be the end of my fourth week.

These are the changes that I've measured so far (Am I a numbers nerd or what?!):

Actual Change (Percent Change)

Weight: -12.6 lbs. (-6.16%)
Arms: -1 in. (-6.06%)
Chest: -1.5 in. (-3.80%)
Waist: -3.75 in. (-8.57%)
Hips: -2 in. (-4.55%)
Thighs: -2.25 in. (-8.82%)

Maybe eventually I'll post actual numbers or pictures, but I'm not quite there yet :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pictures of NS food...

Y'all may have no interest in this whatsoever, but I thought I'd throw it out there nonetheless. There is a tradition on the NS message boards of people posting pictures of their meals so that other people can get ideas. I'm contributing and I have to put everything in Picasa before I put it up on those message boards, so I thought I'd send y'all the link in case you're interested:

(I've also saved the link in the "Photos" section on the right side of the blog.)

I'm totally bummed that I didn't take a picture of my breakfast this morning because it was so cute! NS eggs and cheese with sliced mushrooms mixed in, orange slices, and cottage cheese. BTW, does anyone have any good techniques to flip an omelet and keep it all in tact? I just can't figure out how to do it! Hence, scrambled eggs with mushrooms and not a mushroom omelet!

Lunch was NS split pea soup with garlic, onions, carrots, a turkey hot dog, and cheddar cheese. Wasn't so yummy, but it was something. Guess I'll have to try something else next time! :-)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yesterday was, perhaps, one of the greatest food days ever!

For lunch I made a chicken salad melt with NS chicken salad. I took the chicken salad and mixed it up with 1 oz. of real chicken breast, a TON of onions, and some roasted red peppers. I was planning to serve it on a whole wheat roll and add some provolone cheese and lettuce. At the last second, I decided to pop it into the toaster oven to get all melt-y [I ate the lettuce while it melted :-)] and then ate it openfaced. It was SO delicious.

It's kinda funny--I've actually become more culinary since I started NutriSystem. I actually like cooking; I think I just needed a little bit of structure. I'm learning how to become pretty creative with the NS food and add-ins. I really like figuring out new ways to cook the veggies or different ways to incorporate all the requirements into each meal. It's fun to be healthy.

For dinner, Brian and I went to Winston's for an early Valentine's Day dinner. (He has a hockey game tonight.) Brian had prime rib and mashed potatoes. Is he a meat and potatoes guy or what? ;-) I had the Sesame Tuna Salad and it was, quite possibly, the best salad that I've ever had in my life. It was seared sashimi tuna (rare, I mean, seriously, is there any other option for tuna?) over a bed of greens. The tuna was covered in a spicy wasabi sauce (it was spicy and delish, but it tasted very light). The dressing was ginger-based and there was also pickled ginger sprinkled on top. There also were some type of crispy things sprinkled about, but I pushed most of those to the side and only ate 2 or 3. The salad was unbelievable. I mean incredible. Like, oh my goodness-holy-moly! I was very pleased. Oh, I did have *gasp* a white roll too, but I skipped on the butter and didn't order any wine. (Go Laura Beth!)

I probably ate too much of the salad, but I really didn't care and neither did the scale this morning (I still lost 0.6 lbs yesterday--now down 10.6 lbs overall).

I'm waiting for my weight loss to slow down--I know it will soon--but I'm definitely enjoying it while it lasts.

Oh yeah, and I'm off work Monday. Vive la jour des presidents!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Almost Friday 13; Happy 22nd Birthday, Callie; and Happy Almost, Almost Valentine's Day

I'm not really superstitious, but I am quite pleased that I don't have to go in to work tomorrow. You just never really know when bad things will happen on Friday the 13th :-) Is it just me or does it seem like there have been a lot of Friday the 13ths lately?

All is well in LeBlanc land. Little Gatsby is continuing to be an awesome little dog. It's hilarious to watch all the stuff that catches his interest or the things he does. Because we've had such awesome weather and open windows, Gatsby has figured out that he loves looking out the upstairs windows to survey the world. Wednesday morning when Brian left for work Gatsby darted upstairs to watch him back out of the driveway. It was so cute!

We had Brian's mom and grandma over last Sunday night and Gatsby was so good. He didn't get crazy or jump around too much, which was very nice! We've pretty much learned that if we want peace while we're eating that we have to give him a nice yummy, long-lasting treat (for example, frozen peanut butter in a hollow toy).

Occasionally he'll do not-so-good things like dart out the door into the back field and want to play tag. Not so fun for me and Brian considering Gatsby is way faster. As a joke whenever he does bad things we're calling him Bygats (pronounced bee-gats), which we've decided is Gatsby's alter ego (aka demon dog). It kinda reminds me of "egads!"

NutriSystem is going great. After 2.5 weeks, I've lost 9 lbs. Yay me! I'm feeling really good and it is SOO SOO easy. I can't believe how easy it is. I am truly never hungry. I'm really lucky to like lots of different foods, so it's been fun to play around with my vegetables. My favorite is to "fry" cabbage in water and add a ton of black pepper and some Splenda. It is SO good. I also really like the pizza, which is surprising for me because I don't really like "real" pizza that much. It's fun to add tons of veggies and some turkey pepperoni.

I also had the hamburger tonight. It was also awesome. We're supposed to add a fat serving once a day, so I was able to add some real mayo to the burger and then added a ton of veggies.

I'm totally digging the whole thing. I've been a little slack on the 5K training lately, but I'm planning to get motivated. The good news is that I'm still losing weight. I'm forcing Brian to take my picture every Sunday night. It's been pretty cool to see noticeable differences every week.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow 2009 | NutriSystem Update

So, it's been a little while because we've both been incredibly busy with work stuff. Brian's had a few hockey games lately and I've had a ton of stuff going on at work.

So with all that, we were quite pleased to each have a snow day the day after MLK Jr. Day (aka Inauguration Day). Brian didn't go in because the roads were pretty bad in Knightdale and I worked from home. We ended up with 6 inches and they were quite pretty. Gatsby wasn't sure what to think of it and couldn't quite grasp that he shouldn't run really fast on the driveway because that was why he kept sliding all over the place. It was pretty hilarious. Brian and I each had to walk out into the snow to show him that it wasn't a scary monster that was going to eat him. After he experienced it once or twice he wasn't scared of it anymore and would run out in it, but always wanted to come flying back inside ASAP. As the following pictures show, he spent his day napping:

I started NS on Monday (1/26) and so far it's been incredibly easy and successful. The food has been quite good; there have been a few entrees that I haven't been incredibly stoked about, but all have been edible. The good thing about NS is that you have to add in a lot of fresh veggies, protein, dairy, and fruit, so if you don't like one of their entrees, you're still eating lots of other stuff. I have not been hungry once. The hardest thing has been drinking 64 oz./water each day. I've done it most of the days, but it's still hard. I like water, but not that much! The meal-by-meal layout for me is the following (it differs by age and sex):

NS breakfast entree
Fruit serving
Dairy or protein serving

NS lunch entree
Salad with 2 tbsp of fat free dressing
Dairy or protein serving

Dairy/protein serving
Fruit Serving

NS dinner entree
2 vegetable servings
1 salad serving with fat free dressing or 1 fruit serving
1 fat serving

NS dessert entree

It's incredibly easy to follow and it's a lot of food each day. It's also quite flexible, so you can move things around during the day as long as you're eating pretty regularly. I've basically figured it out so that I'm eating every 2-3 hours.

I've lost about 6 lbs. in the first week, which I know will significantly taper off, but it's awesome to get a good jumpstart. Mom and dad have also done really well too.

With my plan, I ordered 20 days of food with the idea that you can take weekends off, but I've pretty much figured out that most (off) days I will stick with NS for breakfast, lunch, and dessert. So, last night, I ordered some extra breakfast/lunch/dessert entrees to get a bit more variety and to hold me over for the extra 8 days that I will have until my next month's worth of food comes. We also ordered a few extra dinner entrees for Brian to have. He's only had one thing that he really didn't like, which is good.

The other cool thing I've discovered is that they have a very active online community and it's unreal supportive. There are a group of people who started on the same day as me and so we're checking in with one another pretty regularly to see how it's going. It's good to have other people to talk to at the same stage. There are so many successful people on the message boards. One lady lost 204.6 lbs!!!!! and there are so many others who've lost between 50-125 lbs. It's really inspiring. They also have a lot of threads on different ways to spice up the food to stay on program or cool ways to combine servings. For example, today I realized that I could mix my granola cereal in with my yogurt and fruit to have a yummy breakfast parfait and I saved my snack protein until dinner and put a few small pieces of turkey pepperoni on my NS pizza for dinner. I've really been quite impressed. It might actually make me a good cook!

I've also decided that I want to do a 5K in April. I'm doing this Couch-to-5K training program that involves 3 sessions/week for 8 weeks. Basically, you start out doing mostly walking and then you add in more jogging until you're mostly jogging. On 3 of my nontraining days each week, I'm still doing just a normal walk to get some cardio in and I'm making Tuesdays my rest day (because those are the days I tutor Luz Marina and don't get home until at least 7:30p):

Sunday: 5K training session (~30 minutes)
Monday: walking (~30-60 minutes) & light weight/toning video (~10 minutes)
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 5K training session (~30 minutes)
Thursday: walking (~30-60 minutes) & light weight/toning video (~10 minutes)
Friday: 5K training session (~30 minutes)
Saturday: walking (~30-60 minutes) & light weight/toning video (~10 minutes)

So Gatsby and I started that on Friday and so far so good. The 5K training is hard, but good. I can tell from my heart rate monitor (and my sore muscles the next day!) that I'm working hard. Right now I'm at a point where I walk for 5 minutes, jog for 1 minute, walk for 1.5 minutes, jog for 1 minute and then repeat until I've gone 20 minutes, and then have a cool down walk for a little while at the end. Gatsby is an awesome partner. He loves, loves, loves the running parts. For the most part he stays on task with me and doesn't want to stop too often, but if he does want to stop, too bad for him! :-) I let him have a little bit more freedom during the warmup and cooldowns.

We're really lucky in our neighborhood to have a lot of sidewalks and these cool paved nature trails running in the woods. We're also lucky that the entrances are really close to our house! It's sooo nice to finally have a good, safe place to be walking outside!

So that's pretty much it for now. I'll keep y'all posted on the progress! If you have any good ideas for a 5K in April, let me know! I'm still looking for a good one to sign up for.